Caribou Lodge Yo-Yo Works Kendamas

That’s probably what Chris have done too :slight_smile: (With an engraving, not sticker)

I was just looking at kendama sites and trying to find what to start with too! :slight_smile:

Would you buy a yoyo made by kendamausa? :wink:

A more appropriate comparison is - would you buy a Canvas with the KendamaUSA logo engraved on it.

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If I liked the Canvas as a yoyo, yes I would!

Lol at all the morons who think CLYW makes yoyos cause they love yoyoing so damn much.
They make yoyos cause they love to make money.
Not too mention nothing happens without money, no more new yoyos, no kendamaas with a pik axe logo, no snap backs, no CLYW nothing, so you people really got to get over this hes doing it because he loves my hobby, Chris is doing it because it is now his full time job, and if he doesnt actually make money, no more CLYW.
Best wishes and lots of funny stories dont put much supper on the table.
But Kendamas at 145.00 sure as hell does ;D >:( :o ::slight_smile: ;D.

$145?? I think a Fool’s Gold Kendama will be more in line with my budget. As long as it doesn’t have too much vibe.

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I like a person who speaks his mind, so credit to you for not pulling any of your punches. :wink: However, to assume that nobody does anything they do at least in part for love is showing a very narrow scope of experience.

TL;DR: dude, you’re cynical. :wink:

Yes, Chris wants CLYW to make money. Of course he does. But he initially started the company and gave up a lucrative career because it’s what inspired him and it’s what he wanted to do. If money were enough, he would have stayed on his career path.

Regardless, we’re talking about the kendamas, not their yoyo business. We don’t even know what the retail cost would be because they’re not released at the retail level (yet?). Not going to be $145, that’s for sure, so there’s no point setting up that straw man just to knock it down. Maybe they’ll sell and he has another way to make money, yes. But clearly the CLYW team does enjoy kendama (you can always see them doing it in the background for contest videos) so it’s not unimaginable that Chris would be inspired to stamp the CLYW brand onto a kendama (and he has taken credit for nothing more than that) for his team and maybe to test the retail waters.

You can do something out of love that’s still going to have a positive impact on business. I think you’ll find that a great many of the world’s most well-loved products started out from passion and personal interest, and the fact that they went on to make money is not in spite of this but a result of this.

I for one am glad to give people credit for having personal interests and passions, am wise enough to know that passion and income are not mutually exclusive, and am happy to be approaching middle age without being so skeptical and suspicious!


You’ve been nominated for the Most Ignorant Post of the Year. Congrats.

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I’m making a Kendama out of clAy for art class right now :slight_smile:

I recall reading somewhere that Chris said they were just run of the mill Kendamas. Nothing fancy, just a logo. I couldn’t imagine him charging more than 30 bucks. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were less than 20 actually. Either way, not getting one. Kendama isn’t my thing.

CLKW Caribou Lodge Kendama Works!

The guy went down to 1/3 of his income when he left his job as a mechanical engineer to pursuit yoyo-making full time. Now, why would anyone shave of 67% of their income for their love of money?

the word Kendama is probably patened in Canada :wink:

I doubt anyone outside of Chris’s team/close friends will ever own one of these.

But honestly, Chris said that these were just plain old kendamas with the CLYW logo engraved onto the ken, so you COULD just pick up a USA model from the site and engrave the CLYW logo onto it yourself…

Haha thats great. CLYW kendamas are kind of pointless, but he isn’t in the skill toy business for money.

You always have to be a negative jerk huh? I’m pretty sure if Chris really wanted to, he could manufacture products that would be much more rewarding. And the prices on CLYW? Just remember their yoyos have to be shipped over the border into the U.S. If CLYW really wanted to make a ton of money, they could just make more Peaks, and people would buy those out very quickly.

And yet again, read the article before you post. It clearly says they were made for the team and a small batch for yye.

Good on Chris for branching out a little, even if it’s just a one off for a bit of fun. I won’t be getting one because I’m not really interested in kendamas but if I change my mind, I think having the pick axes engraved on the handle would be a pretty neat way to tie two of my hobbies together.


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