Capital YOYO Club - DC/MD/northernVA (Nova Throwers) May updated!!'

Hey Niv0 sorry we wernt at the yoyo meet this weekend by the way can you send me pics of you and some other folks at the november one. THANKS

P.S and is there guna be a meet in december

the meet was awesome i fell in love with the orbitron the yoyo that felt"hollow" and the super nova lite cant w8 for next meet

after trying to think of a trick to learn i remember a trick yall said was cool anre there any tutorials about curb your enthusiasm??

I probably wont be able to make it in Decemberā€¦ Have fun guysā€¦ :frowning:

awe man hope to see you next year

Next meet will be in Delaware. We are riding up to yoyojoes yoyo store. I will update details soon.

We are heading up there on dec 8th

cant make it 4h trip for me hope to see yall at va states

Same as above.

Our Prospective logoā€¦
im pretty sure im gonna add some stars to it, and tweak it a bit. like the lower font could be a tad larger.


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already added it to my profile picture lol

I will eventually get my butt up there one of these days for a meet.
happy to see yā€™all club getting big and amazing and such

Thanks johnny. You will see us at va states ;D

Btw was thinking of getting some thermal paper and making some tshirts. Quality wont be great but it will be awesome to have cyyc club t-shirts.

so how many ppl cant go due to distance?

O man, you guys are coming up near me! What time at yoyo joesā€™s?

For reference only to show squirrel.

hey yea we will be there on december 8th by like noon and probably hang out until 5. The actual meet is around 4 but Joe is cool with us hanging out all day.

O awesome! Ill know on saturday whether or not I can go.

Nivo was asking me about some stuff relating to the logo and shirts, and I took the opportunity to make a few fixes.

  1. The Capitol Building wasnā€™t centered; it was also tilted a few degrees along with the whole crest itself.
  2. The font choice for the bottom text was jagged and distracting, and doesnā€™t match the rest of the logo.
  3. The combination of a .jpg and what I assume to be scaled up images in photoshop lead it to be very pixelated and rough. I remade the entire thing in Illustrator. I donā€™t think I cheated all that much by using live trace on a few bits, since the original images used for the creation of the logo were live traced upon their creation.
  4. Neither stars nor nautical stars compliment the design very well, so I added laurels, which I find to be much more fitting since it matches the curved nature of the bounding shape, instead of contrasting it with harsh unnatural angles.
  5. Regarding how large the text size should be underneath, if anything it should have been smaller. With a shape that tapers down into the text, having the line the same width as the whole thing is very awkward.

Also, regarding the name of the club as a whole, should it be capital or capitol? The Capitol Building in the logo implies that it should be the latter, but Iā€™m not going to change it.

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It is capital and not capitol because we are talking about the city and the surrounding states and not just the building or form of legislature. As for the stars I put in was just an idea since so many wanted stars and it was mentioned having only 2 nautical stars on both sides. I didnā€™t make the original design. I thought having it blank was the best way to go and just make the building bigger but laurels donā€™t look any better either and for needing a simple design they introduce a lot of angles. While stole more curvy to the design as you are right. They still donā€™t quite fit. Even if you make the laurels with less bend to match the curve. The building itself isnā€™t symmetrical and is not drawn perfectly. But thatā€™s why I liked the original so much. Itā€™s like a teenagers freehand drawing. I mean what is a YoYo, but a toy. And shouldnā€™t the symbol represent a that childlike essence to match. Not to much but a little. To perfect and we might as well be making biker jackets to match. Lol. Iā€™m probably overruled on this but better drawn, bigger, bubble building inside would be fine with me.

Having the laurels match the curve of the crest would look terrible. The idea is to have non-detractive accents, not an object that invites you to notice how much empty space there is. Matching the curve opens up the space in beside the building, and takes away the emphasis on the center. Note how it leads in and out along the edge as opposed to just riding the line.

Also, the problem I had with the stars were the /harsh/ angles and lines they introduced. Laurels, while introducing more angles if you wanna look at it that way, are still a relatively pleasant and non-jarring shape. They are also tighter together, much like the formation of the building with the columns, making the composition consistent. The idea is to have an accent, not something prying for your attention.

Note that I was talking about how centered the building was, not how symmetrical it was. Look at the bottom corners of the original versions compared to my edit and youā€™ll see.