Callus on fingers? Do you have something on your body caused by yoyoing?

Do you have any noticeable marks on your fingers caused by the string being attached?


look up the WIRED interview for gentry stein, he shows off his throwhand callus there and its quite gnarly.


I always have string burn on 3 fingers


Definitely. Calluses on my fingers from where the strings always glide across and sit. I have a couple of scars from gnarly string burns too haha!

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Bump on the head.

i feel like learning double or nothing is what scarred me for life, now i forever have perfect yoyo string grooves on the inside of my index lol

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I was looping fixed axle with my hands behind my back.

And now I have a string burn around my neck🤡

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I tape to avoid the string burns. ;]

Yes I have something on my body caused by yoyoing. It’s a most wonderful condition where the corners of my mouth turn upwards, forming a huge smile. I often must put the yoyo down due to facial muscle fatigue. :smiley: