Yoyo and Health ?

Last day when i was yoyoing i heard a guy sayin than the string affects the skin and makes it stiff and the finger longer and bent … :’( is thats true ? . have u seen how your finger now has changed since practicing yoyoing .

i could see maybe like calluses or something from the string but unless your throwing something that weighs like 2 pounds i doubt it could bend your finger

I actually have my skin ,on which i attach the string, stiffer and hareder . :slight_smile:

That isn’t really a bad thing is it? Less string burn is a plus of it. :smiley:

finger Burns . 8) , i usually get it from performing boomerag . :wink: . its hell pain

Its only affect the skin i think

i think so too.made my throwhand stronger.that’s all i noticed

It will only cause your finger to get a callous where the string is tied to your finget. That is your skins way of protecting itself. Perfectly normal.

I’ve been yoyoing for 6 years and still don’t have a bent finger. That’s just absurd. lol

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Nothing can really happen ecept callouse skin, I’d laugh if we all didn’t realise but we all have really long fingers like ET, but no trys to tell us!

I imagine you can get Carpel Tunnel Syndrome (or however you spell it!)

But check out what happened to Dazzling Dave’s finger after years of yoyoing!


I broke my hand so now it hurts after throwing heavy yoyos for a while, I guess it could re aggravate an injury

Ouch :o that pic is gnarly.

Sorry to hear about your hand. Maybe you should stick with some lighter yos until it gets better. :stuck_out_tongue:

Its fully healed but it still hurts occasionally