Butterfly Hype-Beasts Thread 🦋 - More colours and special editions?

I feel you, Bumblebee was the first of these A bearing retros and it defiantly was confusing for a lot of players, I just left mine stock as an unresponsive slim line, but this one became more of a novelty, and I would have been bummed trying to get that one to play more like the originals. I was also not too ecstatic about the first AL Butterflys (2019) as well with its smaller diameter and big bearing, I thought Duncan originally missed the mark, it wasn’t until I got an Unknown version and just excepted it as a semi-responsive mid-sized pocket throw did my distaste subside. On paper these 2023 AL Butterflys hit a lot of marks, I hope they will also be compatible with the 48mm Duncan cap standard as that will add another layer of customization across the Freehand line up.


Well said!


The price increases are not intentional. It’s just smaller batch. Wayy smaller batch compared to what we normally release.

Expect more limited quantities and one-time releases in 2023.


Any chance we’ll ever see “transitional” Butterfly’s?

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We are exploring other colors. We do have another set in the next couple of months.

Getting new colors for Butterfly is quite a long battle, so after these two rounds, we might sit down on the idea for a bit.

EDIT: yes, it’s possible!


Nice! Can‘t wait to see what colors you guys come up with for the next run(s). Hoping for purple and black.

Purple is available from Amazon now.


Yes, yes it is :purple_heart:


I saw this one already (not on Amazon but on Ebay though). Getting it to Germany where I live will get pretty costly unfortunately. Also I should have been more accurate/specific with my last post. I‘m hoping for some combination of black and purple. Purple body with black caps and black printing, or a black body with purple caps and black printing…or a completely black out one would be awesome. I was hoping to see a combination like those with the Butterfly Al (which is the only throw I collect different color variations).
Thanks very much for the suggestion though.

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New Triangle Butterfly :butterfly: spotted

@bjardin Throw Duncan


I dig it.


I would love the Midnight Special logo to come back


Oh dang, this is awesome! Did you see any other details about where and when it’s releasing?


It might just be a color sample :thinking:. But if @bjardin knows there is interest they could become a thing :wink:.

New AL Imperial Live stream happening however


That’s a Maniax edition I believe, in Japan. There are 6 different variations. Transparent red, blue and yellow. All with either gold or silver print. I really want to order them but haven’t brought myself to spend $30 for shipping :pensive:

Maybe if enough people want them we can do a larger order and split the cost. There would be additional shipping when it hits the states. If 5-6 people would be interested let me know and Incan get you the details.


I would be down for this. I couldn’t even find where to order them…


Hey @AaronW, I’d be interested. I would like to order a yellow/green and a blue one. I’d need to think if I want silver or gold print. :thinking:
Edit: I’ve concluded that I would want silver print for the blue and likely gold print for the yellow/green.


I have found photos of the other variants:


Put me down for a yellow if this happens!


Any idea if Target will be restocking these? I need some more giveaways.

I just saw a white one too! Where do we get that?

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