Hi there.
New around here… But i’ve seen the butterfly hype thread (an amazing collection of posts that got me started collecting butterflies) and been getting really into fixed axles… Wood in particular… There’s not really a solid wood yoyo for fixed axle that’s mass produced and widely available–no jives are cool, for example, and I have two, but they’re out of production and Jesus Christ, the prices…
So that led me to the wooden butterflies, which I was surprised to see were undervalued compared to no jives or Apollo’s or the modern responsive indie boutique wood fixies (boy that’s a mouth full).
I’ve never really seen a lot of love for the wooden butterflies!! This astounds me, since I find them a joy to play. They’re a a touch too responsive at times, I’ll admit…There are a couple basic fixed axle tricks that they struggle with, because of the high walls (stop and go)… Not great for shoot the moon… But there’s something special about the play! They’re challenging and they have a great feel and balance. Fits great in the pocket and a great EDC.
Anybody else feel this way? I think they’re a classic. Possibly even the best butterfly!! And while I’m on the soap box here, WE NEED AN AFFORDABLE MASS PRODUCED QUALITY WOODEN FIXIE.
Thank you for reading