Need fixed recommendations

Looking for an affordable, good playing and reliable fixed axel. I would prefer to get a metal axle/plastic body to stand the test of time as im learning and enjoying fixie play. But if some of you guys feel that there is a wooden on the market that would fulfill my wants then dont be afraid to mention them. Thanks!

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I would definitely recommend a Duncan butterfly !!! It had exactly what your looking for !!! They are only 5 dollars and are available at most retail stores so there quite easy to find. As for performance itā€™s great !!! Iā€™m kinda new to this modern responsive thing as well and the butterfly was my first fixie yo-yo. Itā€™s quite durable as well so it can take a beating since itā€™s plastic. I hope this tiny review helped you out :wink: :+1:t2:

Edit there is also the yoyofactory legend wing which is fully made out of wood and is available here at YYE for only $10 !!! It has a very nostalgic feel and has that true fixed axel play !!!


Just get a few butterflies. You can slap a wooden axle in one to try that out too.

I also recommend the Legend Wing by YYF. Super capable fixie for very few dollars.


Ive had a few, and they break pretty easily, and i end up not being happy with their response. I dont know whats up with that.

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Ive been eyeing the legend wing but never tried it. I will give it a whirl


See above, wooden axle will help the response


Also if you can find them, the super yo wildcat and spintastics manta ray are both fantastic wooden axle plastic fixies. Pretty cheap too


The only wooden fixed I have is the Legend Wing. I can recommend it.
I am working my way through the 7 Mysteries of Fixed AxlešŸ˜‰
It is working fine.
The more I play it the better ā€œweā€ get.
Just order extra strings.


Im surprised so many people are recommending the Butterfly. Imo, it is a very challenging yoyo to play 0A with. It requires a bit of luck to find one with just the right gap (QC on a cheap yoyo is lacking), and a bit more tuning/breaking in of string to make it perform just right.

From what you are looking for, id take my chances on finding a Spinworthy Survivalist. It is a POM yoyo with a metal axle and built for durability. I donā€™t own one myself, but I have a decent collection of Spinworthy wooden fixies and they are all fantastic. Id recommend any other Spinworthy fixie as well, but they might be hard to find. Also TMBR make some great yoyos, but their axle system is a bit cumbersome to tune, so in general I prefer well made glued in wooden fixies. They also play smoother.

One yoyo id stay away from (in my experience) is the Fallen44 Sixth Sense. The gap is way too wide to be usable. After owning one for a few years and having much experience with tuning fixies to my liking, I still canā€™t get this thing to tick. It barely responds even with the thickest string I have. I could probably do a double or triple wrap, but I still find the binds inconsistent. If anybody has advice on how to tune this yoyo, hit me up.

Ive heard Fallen44 make some good fixies, so id just avoid that particular model if you come across it.


You canā€™t beat the Butterfly for the price. If I had to describe any yoyo as being objectively better than another, then yeah the Survivalist is just objectively better than a Butterfly in every way. But Iā€™d also never recommend somebody to try and get one as their first fixie.

Fixed axle is hard and if you canā€™t get used to it on a Butterfly, or at least Legend Wing, then Iā€™d imagine you wonā€™t get much more mileage out of having a Spinworthy or a TMBR or other boutique fixie. TMBR Iā€™d honestly say is an even worse early fixie choice since getting used to tuning the axle is weird.

If you donā€™t like the Butterfly, Legend Wings are much more consistent in terms of QC. Alternatively you could pick up an older Butterfly, but if you donā€™t like how the new ones play you might be disappointed with the old ones as well. If you donā€™t enjoy playing on a Legend Wing then you wonā€™t get anything extra out of having a Spinworthy or TMBR.

Thatā€™s just my take on it though and do whatever you want. If you just want one because they look cool and you think thatā€™ll make you enjoy playing fixies more, then go for it. Just know that nicer fixies arenā€™t going to be a silver bullet that will make fixed axle play any easier.


Im not looking for anything boutique. Too expensive for a learning experience

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A modern Butterfly was too hard for me when I first tried doing fixie. I didnā€™t catch on to the style until after I had some TMBR and then Spinworthy. Yes, it is a difficult style requiring more finesse than your average 1A stuff, but being discouraged by a cheap yoyo just sucks.

Probably the best option (Ive never owned one so I wont recommend it personally).

This is also true, but having a nicer yoyo WILL make it easier to learn. It took me a couple of months after being able to land consistent kickflips to be able to do so on a Butterfly. At the moment I can do all but a few of my hardest fixie tricks on a Butterfly. But getting to that point? Id have quit if all I ever had was a Butterfly. YMMV


If youā€™re not looking for fixed specifically and just an awesome 0a player, the Butterfly XT is a beast for the $5. I prefer it to the fixed butterfly in almost every way except stalls, and the fixed butterfly really only slightly edges it out there.


Iā€™m a very casual 0A player. I mainly do 1A and only pick up a responsive just to break things up occasionally.

I started learning stalls on a Butterfly XT, then got a Butterfly and I prefer the original Butterfly now for pure 0A. I like the YYF Whip as a cheap semi-responsive option for combining 0A and 1A tricks together.


Yes just to clarify im a 1a player but i am starting to enjoy 0a and responsive play. I recently got a rain city gamer. Im enjoying throwing and catching it, regens, stalls(hit my first stall suicide today, so much fun)

I just didnt know if fixed and general 0a play were their own separate things.


The yomega alpha wing is also pretty good


I have a sixth sense that is snappy af.

I also have a spectraply one thatā€™s basically unresponsive and way too heavy but the one I included the pictures of is a phenomenal fixie


0A is a specific style, just like 1A is. fixed axle play can be either one, just using a fixed axle yoyo. 0A can be done on fixed axles, so can 1A.


I was referring to what I thought was the only version (Sixth Sense Yo-Yo by Fallen44 ā€“ YoYoExpert)

I have this one and itā€™s no good. In general I find spectra to not be as good as regular wood, but this yoyo is particularly bad.

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If youā€™re already decent at 1A and donā€™t like the starbust response on the Butterfly, Iā€™d try the Legend Wing. I have a Butterfly that works pretty well, but the Legend Wing is a bit more fun.