Build a primary 1A carry Yoyo

A carry yoyo…not a museum piece…this thing will get scuffed…the string may break…You may find Yourself chasing it down the street…still…an 888 Forever Ti Contest Team is the base…

Next…we open her up…

…and give her a Dif ceramic koncave…

Then…the black hubstacks…

Let’s change 'em to blue and clear…to semi match the finish…but the blue hubstack is too blue. It’s what I could get. :slight_smile:

Let’s go nuts on the hubstack bearings…silicon nitride ceramic for those…

For those wondering why I didn’t use full ceramic…

If the grommet fails on the hubstack…the bearing and hubstack fly off and Your $56 dollar bearing may chip. :frowning: Is a painful lesson.

Next up…some pretty string…

…and here she is.

I will NOT give a ■■■■ what this thing looks like when it is put in my coffin with me.


I really like this idea. The ultimate yoyo!


Sort of…it needs to be bead blasted so it can grind…it goes in Friday to a titanium machinist here in Vegas to take care of that. He can re-tint it darker, too, so the hubstack matches…it’s cheaper than trying to find a lighter blue ricestack. :slight_smile:

Thank You for liking it. :slight_smile:


You’ll have to post some pictures when it’s done, I love to see it.


Flexing that Ti! Looking pretty cool so far!


aces, nice job!


Thanks to anybody who likes this. I couldn’t BEGIN to explain how nice this thing to anyone outside this forum. :slight_smile:


Wow this is amazing good job.


Maaaannn…the more I think about it, the more I play with it, I think I shouldn’t let anybody f@#k with this thing. It is soooo just always right where You want it to be when it’s movin’ around :open_mouth: …besides…loooong grinds? Thats not me. This stands as my pocket yoyo…and I love it.


For anyone who wants to build one of these up to crazy status…here’s where You go to get the fully ceramic hubstack bearings…

For those wondering what ceramic side bearing I used instead of the fragile cool ones…ProTek RC 5x10x4mm Ceramic Metal Shielded "Speed" Bearing (2) [PTK-10025] - AMain Hobbies

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Those hubstack bearings aren’t loose enough. :frowning: It kills me to do this…but it has to be right, right?..

…and now we’ve built something completely stupid.


This is a thing of beautiful insanity.

I hope I find a yoyo I love this much one day.

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Fully ceramic hub stack bearings = an expensive proposition with only slight potential performance enhancement.

…And;if your oring failed and the hub stack went flying; The bearing would still be contained within the hubstack. So the chance of cracking it would be one rare thing…

Plan for gas money, too. You’re not only falling in love building these things…You’re falling into a money pit. BUT…unlike most things…it delivers. LOL

I KNOW!! This whole thing is stoopid…PLUS…I really did chip a hubstack bearing! I couldn’t believe it. I have this crazy stoopid purple 888x with them on the side…

…I was flinging it around…and the hubstack pops off at around 6,000 RPM…and goes flying down the street…and a bus almost ran over it…but the inner race chipped…and there was a crack. 'Nother $56.

Here I am doin’ it again.


I just broke the purple ricestack on my 888x transferring the fully ceramic bearings to this Ti team so it could be finished.

DELETED. Apparently am just throwing money DELETED for no reason in the world. Add six dollars to this.


That sucks man. I’ve never owned ricestacks before but since getting my ti888, I have been tempted by them. Do they tend to be brittle?

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I will get this whole thing sorted and will show You an 888gt with a Dif ceramic bearing and those ceramic bearings I initially chose…the 888x with a Dif ceramic…and fully ceramic hubstack bearings…once the DELETED purple hubstack comes in…and the Ti Contest Team…which is done…but will not be done until my purple 888x is up and running again…because I have never seen a more beautiful yoyo. Thank You for anyone who is liking my pain. :slight_smile:

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Never thought so…but I don’t remember when I put that 888x together…maybe 5 years ago? It’s really just a fluke…and oh, Dude…You are about to be spoiled…nothing else will make You happier. Nothing else.