list things you want to do with yoyoing or yoyo’s you want to get before… you know.
just a few of mine.
things i want to do: go to worlds, land a white budhha at michey speed, get good at Xcalibur.
throws I want to get: mighty Flea, Gnarwal, and an extremely rare throw.
just to name very few.
what do you have to say?
Become a duncan crew member, land ten repetitions of pop n’ fresh on a duncan butterfly or imperial.
I know that the second one isn’t that impressive but I’m new to yo-yoing so back off >:(
I guess my standards are set low. But here they are:
Become decent enough to be able to just throw and make up stuff and not completely suck.
Be able to do a few things in the 5 major styles. However, I want to focus mostly on 1A, 4A and 5A. 2A is important to me as well, but 3A is lowest on the list, but as long as I can do some, then fine.
Spread the joy I have of yoyo to others.
Introduce yoyos to kids in schools as an activity that gets them up and moving, as well as encourage the hobby/sport.
Learn, learn, learn.
Practice, practice, practice.
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!