Broken wrist

I’ve been yo-yoing for about 6 months now I’ve been getting pretty good at it I’m 64 years old and I just broke my wrist my throwing wrist on my niece’s hoverboard. Has anyone else had this happen and have you come back as good as before?


I have fractured both my wrists severely. Only issue I have is really heavy yo-yos can strain them, and after really long sessions they can hurt a bit.

Also, as someone that’s more than 30 years younger than you who would never do so: what possessed you to get on a hoverboard?


Brain fart I guess I’ll never do it again though


Nope. Can’t say that I have. What a time to be alive.


Let the kids have their fun :stuck_out_tongue:


Broken wrist?

Now; if you only had the reflexes of a genuine Ninja; you could have broken the fall with your head.

Seriously though; I’m older than you and still doing heavy collision work. I can break a wrist at least once a week if I don’t pay attention to what I am doing.

Main trick now is to focus on recovering fast and ‘well’
If you don’t normally get enough sleep; change now. You body only really heals when you sleep.

If you smoke; quit now. Smoking slows down healing processes.

Stay hydrated. A state of hydration allows thinner blood. Thinner blood moves through the system faster.

If you like fast food; cut most of it out. To build the best spaceship you need to use the best parts.

Convert the time you would spend yoing to meditation. Sit in a comfortable chair. In an area with good quality air. Close your eyes and Envision your wrist healing.

I am not trying to be funny.


Thanks for the advice


100% agree

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As a chiropractor i think this is great advice. Go see an applied kinesiology practitioner to help move the healing process along. Acupuncture is also excellent. Nutritionally i have to insist good quality traditionally made BONE BROTH is the best foods to heal your body, especially broken bones. If you don’t start doing bone broth get some supplements that might be similar in nutritional content.
Feel free to message me with more specific Qs.


Oh man sorry to hear that your recent adventures with a hoverboard has left you injured and has taken the wind out of your sails.

I hope you have a speedy recovery with no long term side effects :frowning:


I am only 27 but broke both my wrists at the same time and one has had surgery. I would say it impacts the way I throw a little but doesn’t limit me on what I feel I can do. I may rework something a little for comfort but it works out. The biggest impact is how long I can throw before I need to stop.

Also broken both my elbows. Arms aren’t the best.


Thanks everyone for the advice


I’m 50 and I had to have a cyst removed from my wrist. I’ve broken it several times cuz the bone was super thin. I’m fine now and only remembered it because you brought up the wrist injury. I think you’ll be fine.


Now is the perfect time to learn how to throw with your other hand. It’ll improve other aspects of your life as well like working muscles that you haven’t used.


Thanks, still trying to schedule surgery insurance issues. But I have high hopes and plan to definitely return to yo-yos. Even thought about maybe throwing with my left hand that’s how determined I am.


Yeah as soon as I can I’m going to start trying to throw with my left hand. Right now my cast is covering quite a bit of my right hand.

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One thing that encourages me is the fact that over the last 6 months I’ve learned a lot of tricks and I’ve learned all the fundamentals all the mounts and tips on yo-yoing from all the great yoyo sites on the net. So once I’m able to start again I should be up to steam in no time!


Back to throwing after recovering from wrist surgery for 3 months. Heaven lost much except I can’t throw for more than 5 to 10 minutes at a time.


I hope you get well soon. Just ease back into it.

