Board Game Players

Oh I’m a big board game Fan.
I just got Hive and I’m really enjoying that right now.
However Carcassonne and it’s expansions are probably my favorite game over all.


Well I’ll chime in because my all time favorite doesn’t seem to be getting any love here. Monopoly. I love this game so much

Others are:



Hive is a clever little game. Back in 2016 I made up a custom Starship Troopers themed set just for my own amusement.



Oh thats sweet! love it!

I’m a big Carcassonne fan too! Years ago, I made this big version (yoyo for scale)


Wow those are big! That’s so cool well done!!

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Oh yay board gamers! Does anyone here olay in virtual tabletops?

Chess and stratego are KING


If a table can be considered a board, I’m in for dominoes (Mexican train). Play regularly with my 15 and 16 year old grand daughters. They’re both extremely competitive.


Also, are any TTRPG or CCG players here?

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Heck yeah, any and all TTRPGs

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My family and play alot of board games, but my main game is blood bowl.

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I remember playing Blood Bowl back in the late 1980s. It was a blast. We found that the best strategy was to play a race with high Strength and Toughness (like the Orcs), and when in possession of the ball to hold the ball carrier all the way at the back of the field while the rest of the team smashed the opposing players until their team was completely injured and unable to cover the field. I’m sure that later versions of the rules made this strategy untenable.


Higher strength teams still love to bash their way to the end zone. It can be frustrating for newer players to deal with it.

The way you get around that strategy is by setting up a screen in a column defense. You only get one blitz a turn. So on defense, if you do not put any of your players in base to base contact, the offensive player will only get to perform one block a turn. Make sure none of your units are touching the offensive team before your turn ends. I’ll even take dodges to get out of base contact.

Next, I align my defense in columns with one or two spaces between players. This forces the offense to roll dodges if they want to get past my line. Since that’s pretty risky, this only allows the offense to move forward one square a turn which is not enough to score by the end of the half.

I doubt anyone cares about blood bowl strategy lol, but I thought I’d share since the new blood bowl 3 video game just came out.

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I love hearing strategies. I just dont have any one to use them against. There is no one around me that plays blood bowl. I talked to a local game shop a while back about trying to start up a tournament. They put some feelers out with zero interest coming back. My kids love to play however. Have you played blood bowl 3? I heard there were so manys bugs in it you couldn’t complete a game.

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Yeah. The launch sucked. Really terrible. However, they have been dropping patches every few days since. It’s actually in a decent state now and should continue to improve.

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I enjoy classics like Settlers of Catan and Ticket to Ride for their strategic depth and the friendly competition they bring to the table. Plus, they’re perfect for game nights with friends and family.
It’s tough to pick a single favorite, but lately, I’ve been obsessed with playing gin rummy online. The mix of strategy and luck in card games like gin rummy is so much fun. It’s a great way to unwind and challenge your mind at the same time.
But when it comes to solo gaming, I find myself gravitating towards games like Splendor or Carcassonne. They offer a satisfying solo experience and are excellent brain teasers.


Has anyone seen the Wyrmspan announcement from Stonemaier Games?

Must have!

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My wife got me Cards Against Humanity: Family Edition for the holidays. My kids (8 and 6) have really been enjoying it. They shared it with any visitors we had over the break. I highly recommend it. Tons of toilet humor but none of the adult versions raunchiness (which is still fun but not with the kids).

After being long time Ticket to Ride fans, my wife and I finally cracked open Ticket to Ride: Europe over break. It has been collecting dust on the game shelf since I got it. It’s fun and adds some interesting strategy options.

If you have kids, the kids version, Ticket to Ride: First Journey is actually a phenomenal distillation of the original’s essence with a more streamlined set of rules to mostly just make scorekeeping easier. I might almost prefer it to the original, which, to be clear, I really love.

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I’ve got my eye on the newer Ticket to Ride Legacy game. It’s pricey, though. I also still need Rails to Sails and a few of the map packs.

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