Board Game Players

Every Saturday I meet up with a couple friends and play Frosthaven. Hoping we’ll finish the game before 2025.

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I’ve owned Gloomhaven for a while now, and still haven’t played it :smiley:

I’ve played probably 50ish scenarios from Gloomhaven. Stopped playing because the storyline fell short. I’d try Jaws of the Lion if I were you. It teaches you how to play so well and is essentially just mini Gloomhaven.

So you’re saying I shouldn’t invest in Kingdom Death Monster instead? :rofl:

I want to play KDM so bad. I just need more board game shelf space. As it is, Frosthaven just sits on the floor lol.

I have rails and sails, personally wouldnt reccomend it unless you can score it at a discount

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It’s not really a board game per se, but I just backed a Kickstarter for a pretty sweet backgammon set.