Best looking yoyo

I’m gonna toss this bad girl into the ring, but its really something you’ve gotta see with your eyeballs in sunlight to fully appreciate.
From what I understand this is on its way to a Peak display in a yoyo museum in Georgia. Loved it, but couldn’t justify keeping it.

Mikers, awesome solid gold dancer peak!
Nuff said.

This one has always been a favorite of mine. The distribution of color is some of the best I’ve ever seen on a BBB.

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Kyle, That BBB is one of THE most beautiful YoYo’s I have ever seen. Simply gorgeous.

It’s my belief that the most attractive YoYo’s come from those who preform custom anodization.
Jason Wong, Vendetta, Aman & of course Spotted Banana all have turned in some of the most striking YoYo’s that I have seen.
That’s not to discount the ano’s that are produced commercially, the Avalanche above speaks very clearly to that.

This is a collection of the custom anodizations in my collection, and you can see the genius that Jason Wong, Vendetta & others bring to our hobby.
These guys are true artists, whose palette just happens to be the surface of a YoYo.

Red acid wash superstar. personal favorite.

Stick Man Very True. The Vinyasa Flow Majesties and what Jason did on that Sovereign are both beautiful and just genuinely amazing.

I prefer a classier look to my yoyos, which is why some of the stuff done by Monkey Finger doesn’t really float my boat. But stuff like above and the helix I mentioned looks brilliant to me. It isn’t really as busy or loud as the former but it still looks great.

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Completely agree!

I love the black/raw metal combo.


those draupnirs are really classy…like an expensive watch

agreed. look @ my profile pic :wink:

You got two of my top five wants in that picture. Lucky.

Really lucky, he got the last black draup that was in stock.

Even more crazy when you realize the resale value for them went higher then retail price right after they sold out :smiley:

Man I want it so bad…

I would help you rob him. You could have the Draup as long as I get the helix. :wink: Leave your doors unlocked please.

ILYY Sakura

Ive traded with him multiple times and have his addy, let’s do this.

I am a sucker for clean organic shapes. Fewer breaks in the simple curves the better, and plain colors (no splashes) with minimal engravings are what I look for.

In my own collection, this includes my Bapezilla.2, SPYY Addiction, and Orbitron 5000.

Eventually, I hope to add the following to my collection:

Anti-yo Viszilla, OG Bapezilla, Eetsit
OD Markmont. Next and Classic, Sovereign
General Yo Essence and Hatrick
YYF Ricochet
3yo3 Bass Line 2
Duncan Freehand Mg

Some of those I’d have to win the lottery to justify buying, but one can hope.

All of ILYY’s throws are beautiful.

I’m in if you leave the Anglam for me :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha in your face, Andy. I moved.

Just a little bit more work then. Not too bad.