I’m gonna toss this bad girl into the ring, but its really something you’ve gotta see with your eyeballs in sunlight to fully appreciate.
From what I understand this is on its way to a Peak display in a yoyo museum in Georgia. Loved it, but couldn’t justify keeping it.
Kyle, That BBB is one of THE most beautiful YoYo’s I have ever seen. Simply gorgeous.
It’s my belief that the most attractive YoYo’s come from those who preform custom anodization.
Jason Wong, Vendetta, Aman & of course Spotted Banana all have turned in some of the most striking YoYo’s that I have seen.
That’s not to discount the ano’s that are produced commercially, the Avalanche above speaks very clearly to that.
This is a collection of the custom anodizations in my collection, and you can see the genius that Jason Wong, Vendetta & others bring to our hobby.
These guys are true artists, whose palette just happens to be the surface of a YoYo.
Stick Man Very True. The Vinyasa Flow Majesties and what Jason did on that Sovereign are both beautiful and just genuinely amazing.
I prefer a classier look to my yoyos, which is why some of the stuff done by Monkey Finger doesn’t really float my boat. But stuff like above and the helix I mentioned looks brilliant to me. It isn’t really as busy or loud as the former but it still looks great.
I am a sucker for clean organic shapes. Fewer breaks in the simple curves the better, and plain colors (no splashes) with minimal engravings are what I look for.
In my own collection, this includes my Bapezilla.2, SPYY Addiction, and Orbitron 5000.
Eventually, I hope to add the following to my collection:
Anti-yo Viszilla, OG Bapezilla, Eetsit
OD Markmont. Next and Classic, Sovereign
General Yo Essence and Hatrick
YYF Ricochet
3yo3 Bass Line 2
Duncan Freehand Mg
Some of those I’d have to win the lottery to justify buying, but one can hope.