Best looking yoyo

That pretty much describes my preference in yo-yos.

Restock is on the way, I hear (and read).

Anyway, back to topic: Rage of Achill V2

Absolutely stunning (and perhaps on his/her way to me). Matte finished YYR Draupnir.

EDIT: while reading through the the posts this is obviously already mentioned :slight_smile:

That is beautiful

I now buy all my bimetals in black

its so beautiful :‘( I want a draupnir so much :’(

Its worth double the money you buy it for

Love this color way the most, but I don’t own it :cry:

I really dislike the engraving on the Draupnir.

When I look at a yo-yo, I like to be able to appreciate the work that went into the colorway. That being said, I do like raw yo-yo’s best for looks; that doesn’t mean, however, that I want my collection to be full of just raw yo-yo’s. While the Draupnir has a really nice “expensive watch” look to it, the work that went into the colorway is pathetic. They just anodized it black and slapped a lil’ bit of polish on those rims. It looks sooo nice, but it took nooo effort.

I really like the direction YYF is going with their colorways. I have a Shutter with one of their more recent splash designs and it is really great looking. I believe it consists of four colors. The Galaxy line of colorways are really great as well.

However, what really gets my clock ticking is CLYW’s colorway collection. The color combinations that CLYW introduces never cease to amuse me. CLYW has easily contributed the most to the betterment of yo-yo colorways.

…its still cool

funny, I’m the opposite. I hate most splashes, especially clyw for whatever reason. There are a couple that I love however, such as the galaxy YYF as well as some battosai colorways. But I can always appreciate a nice solid.

Exactly my thoughts

Any Free Rider and Irony 2010
pig pink blast ftw

Painted peaks.

I’m agreeing with both of you guys as well. I don’t mind splashes, but there’s nothing like a really bold, rich solid color yoyo -especially pink!

My recent best looking yoyo.

What is that?

bimetal pulsefire that’s on indiegogo

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No I think its a c3 berserker SS.