Code 2 argonaut just… soo… pretty
Ann Connoly shutter or some of the Aviator’s from the pic yoyofactory posted of the ton of different aviators in unseen colorways(Like the “YYE Edition” one they sent to totalartist)
Ti walker! So shiny…
NSCO Helix. Black w/ Silver Rings. A beauty.
My Clearcoat M10, Mint Btw
I like my Alien Galaxy Shutter
Coolest colorway I think, also miss my rainbow 4 color splash Attune, but got a very good trade so i had to send it off…
HSpin Pyro
Yoyofactory Skyline and Avantgarde
Depends what you mean by “best-looking”. Here are my choices.
Mean and serious-Addiction
Art Deco-Singularity
Funky-Evil Yo
Spyy ronin
Not sure if this is relevant, but all my classics are shiny, because I play them all the time. People have asked about them and one or two even wanted to but them.
X Cube Aware in either of the acid washes, or clear anno Benchmarks. I’m hoping my gradient is gonna look super dope in person, got that in clear anno to match too.
I do like that attune.
I’m extremely partial to organic shapes. The more minimalistic shape the better, as well as colors and engravings.
I think my Bapezilla.2 is beautiful, and that goes for the rest of Anti-yo’s organics. I would love to own all of them.
The black SPYY Addiction is probably my overall favorite yoyo looks-wise though, and I am pending a trade for one, super excited for it.
Colorway aside: Oxy 5
Seriously, something about it, man. So sleek.
^ From what I’ve seen Oxy’s throws always look nice in my opinion.
Yes all of their throws look fantastic. Something about their fifth flagship makes me feel like I should wear a suit though.
holy crap thats amazing
OG Peak, of course.
The original 28s look, with the very light blue.
The ILYY blue blasted Noctu was really something to look at, too.