How similar is the pybit to the falcon?
= more important/ better options IMO
Some good starters are:
Yoyofactory DV888
Duncan Metal Drifter
Yoyofficer Kilter
Yoyojam Dark Magic II
Yomega Maverick*
Yomega Dash*
Magic yoyo stuff
All of these are great first metals
I believe it’s an ILYY Fury, as Modman said.
dv888 will get you where you need to go but in my opinion there is more modern and probably better choices out there. I think the benchmarks are a nice option. I know this is above your stated price range (though you might get one fairly cheap on buy/sell/trade) but the Gsquared Nessie is still my favorite just plain fun yoyo. It plays awesome, has a great spin time, and the splashes look awesome too. It was one of my earlier high end metals and i still love it to death. Even with the dings
Played the Benchmarks and the YYO stuff finally. You can’t go wrong with those. In addition to other recommendations I may have made earlier in the thread.