I want to get my first metal yoyo, but I mostly want one that is fun to throw and easier to do tricks. (AND costs anywhere up to $50ish). So if you guys have any recommendations, that would be great.
Also, is the CZM8 fun to throw?
This is all based on personal opinion, metal and/or plastic.
P.S. Should this be in Help/Recommendations?
EDIT: After getting some good recommendations and suggestions, here is what I have:
For a yoyo that’s not a gimmick (though it can be hubstacked, which IS a gimmick!) I would say the Werrd Pacquiao all the way.
But… if it’s your first metal yoyo, you might not want that kind of recommendation. The Pacquiao is stable enough for me but if you’re less experienced it might not give you the crutch that’s handy for progressing through tricks. IMO, you want a straight-up normal metal yoyo that happens to also be fun.
… and that’s almost all of them! Hooray yoyos!
Werrd minute comes to mind. Those are a lot of fun to throw compared to strictly competition style throws like the level 6 and shutter. Maybe something like the jaeger since the bigger shape adds to a unique feel.
“Fun to throw”. That means different things to different people. Some people like unique throws with a lot of personality. But honestly, for your first metal you probably want something a little more bland and stable.
I’d probably recommend the Shutter, CZM8, or maybe a OneDrop Benchmark V. All are $40 to $60, very stable, and will get you through tricks. And they’re all quite stable, which will help with the “easier to do tricks” part.
Thanks. Speaking of the CZM8, does anyone have it or any reviews about it? From what I’ve read on this forum, I’ve read that the CZM8 is built for competition. Anyone have any thoughts/opinions on this?
I would definitely check out the throws available from yoyofficer like the hatchet, the lava and the musket. I really think the musket would be perfect due to it being sub $50, and a good size and weight. Plus it looks really awesome!