Hello all you beautiful people! Yes—YOU—the beautiful, wonderful humans, taking the time to read a father’s cry for help. But, not like a “cry”, cry, and far more in line with the dreaded “dad growl,” we’re all still scarred from. I tip my hat to you, sirs and sir-ettes! (“Madams” sounds so dusty, and hoaky don’t-cha-think?)
As the title suggests, I have sons. I’ve also hit a bit of a wall in terms of figuring out which yoyo to get for us. I have been throwing on and off for a few years, and both my oldest have shown an interest in learning. My oldest, oldest, wants to jump straight to binds. My middle is still working on his throw.
I thought it would be a cool thing to do to get us all the same yoyo to practice with together—same model, but they can pick their own colors. Partly because kids have this annoying quality, where they will easily attribute dad’s ability to do a trick to “…you have a better yoyo than I do!” It couldn’t possibly be because I practice!
I’m also leaning toward a metal one, because neither of them have one of their own yet, and there is just something special about your first metal throw.
I’m not totally against plastic/polycarbonate, and if you have kids, you know that a metal yoyo can very quickly become the weapon used in an attempted fratricide because, “It’s my turn on the Xbox!” I have three in total, and at a times feel like I’m living Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome
My Critera:
1) Able to switch between responsive and unresponsive.
2) Max cost $60, though cheaper is better.
3) Slightly undersized would be nice, but not a hard rule.
4) Durable
5) Metal is what I’m leaning toward, but poly/plastic definitely has it’s pros in this case.
Models I Am Aware of:
1) RCS Gamer Lite
2) YFF DV888
3) MagicYoYo T9 Rock
4) YoYo King Ghost
5) YoTricks Oracle (plastic)
6) YYF Replay (plastic)
I now open the floor to you!
Do you know of a model that I don’t, and you feel fits the bill perfectly?
Is one of the models listed particularly near, and dear to your heart and you feel it deserves a closer look?
Let’s do this!