Best Contest Team

Agreed, but I think YYF has the highest concentration of winning players, followed by YYJ. CLYW has a great team too, but if I’m correct they all only compete in 1A. What YYF and YYJ have is variety. Idk about Duncan team, although I will say this. Having them at a contest makes it SO much more fun. I got to we Brandon and Takeshi at Illinois state yoyo contest and I don’t believe either competed but Duncan Crew takes the reward for promoting yoyoing.

I think most people are thinking quantity y. The biggest teams arent always the best. I have to say Yoyorecreation hands down. They dont have any “decent” players. Every single one is incredible.


Onedrop is the best team of honest hard-working guys out there that LOVE yoyo.

Not in for the win, but in for the love.

Who does Onedrop sponsor?

All current Onedrop players.


-YYf has the a lot of players, so it is easy to get lot players in finals, but almost all “big names” are off the team (Yuuki, Augie, Kentaro, Shinji)
-Zach has a great style, but he rearly places high at regular contest. 44Clash is special, and nothing to do with everyday contests. I loves his style, but if he can beat Marcus or Hiroyuki at World’s…can’t wait to see.
-There is no 1 best team. In the US yes yyf and yyj dominates, in Europe and Asia C3yoyodesign, Duncan, Yoyorecreation, Something dominates pretty much.

IMO YYF for 1A and 5A, YYJ for 2A and 4A, C3 for 3A.

Player-for-Player, I think CLYW has the strongest yoyo crew right now.

They’ve got a diverse group… Legends, innovators, entertainers and hungry up-and-comers.
Most importantly, they are all strong players in their own right and their team has got 0 filler.


Augie!!! :smiley:

Really? WOAH

with tyler severance, steve brown and miguel correra on there team…

dude, you know that this thread is not about you, right?

I agree that YYF was at least one point the best contest team, but as mentioned before, quite a few of their big name players are no longer supporting them (at least as a company). Still, Gentry, Harold, Tyler, Miggy, and other big names continue to reside with the team, and have been consistently placing relatively high in recent contests. I feel like the majority of the rest of the consistently high-placing players are independent.

But especially with Andrew on their team now, CLYW is slowly climbing up to that tier while YYF seems to slowly trend downward.

I think another factor here is how many people per team actually compete at these events. I personally haven’t paid attention, but does YYF tend to bring more players to contests than any other team?

This is an interesting thread to read, but it’s really US-centric. David Molnar’s post gives a much more international perspective on the contest scene.

Andrew, Zach, and Petr are really the only good competitors CLYW has. Andrew is just…good. Zach is good but doesn’t win consistently enough to be compared to some of the other big names. And Petr is great, but he wins a lot of small competitions. It seems every time he went on a big stage (EYYC and Worlds) this year he choked. Palli is great too, but it doesn’t seem like his style scores very well.

YYF has tons of amazing competitors. It doesn’t even matter that Augie, Yuuki, and Shinji left. They still have Vashek, Harold, Gentry, Gacek, Yuji, Tyler, etc. Just a good team. They’re not called the YYF contest team for no reason.

YYR is just…spectacular. They don’t win very much on an international level, but at contests like worlds they’re YYF’s biggest competition. Except for Suzuki who might as well be a one man contest team.

While I like the players on the other teams more I have to give it to YYF for the sheer talent, size, and diversity of their team. 2013 could completely change my opinion though.

Boom. Called it.

Thank you Augie. From the guy who was ON YYF.

yoyofactory seems to just have the most players= more good players
CLYW just has a couple great ones like Charles Haycock or Zach Gormley.

Hank never left…

I think people should consider Luis Enrique as a good competitor. Along side Zach, Luis has been placing high in several contests and he placed first in 44clash.

The term ‘contest team’ was something we created.

It’s hard to argue numbers.

3 USA national titles (most prolific brand used by top 10 in all but 4a)
3 BAC titles
1 world title
44Clash 1a title (beating EVERYONE referenced for other teams still actively competing)
5+ more national titles

We are proud to more players attending more contests and the day this is a bad thing we should consider stopping making yoyos. We love putting more in. Do people REALLY want to hold that against us?