Being bullied

As everyone has said, please report this to your teachers and parents and get help as soon as you can. I know it can be extremely tough getting bullied, and trying to manage your emotions when people just keep messing with you, but don’t give them the satisfaction that they have power over you. More often than not, bullies are looking for reactions or push back to show them that they have control over the people they are bullying and can do whatever they want with basically no consequence. Don’t let them have that, for your own sake. This is easier said than done but working with teachers, counselors, the principal, etc. will likely result in a much better outcome than trying to stand up to them directly. Don’t fight fire with fire, no matter how tempting it may be. Try and get help from people who can diffuse the situation, or if nothing else could help you even find a new school to go to if necessary. I’m really sorry you’re going through this, stay strong man!

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The more time you allow this to happen, the worse it can be. Report this to the school asap or it can cause a long term harm.

Also learn to stand up for yourself, violence is not the first priority but it is something you need in order to protect yourself if anything goes off the limit. Kids during teenager can be the worst because they start to acknowledge the right for being kids (that no adult can harm them physically or mentally). This also indicate they are playing the upper hand card over you because they know there is nothing you can use to protect yourself with.

So, first talk to authorities about situation and whatever comes next, deal with braveness by having the right group of friend back you up.

P/s: idk where you live but may be any throwers nearby can gang up and help this kid out and scare the s#%^ of the bullies (lmao, I might be delulu from all those Hollywood movie)

Hey Marco!

Can we ask what grade you are in?

Remember to take a look in the mirror every day and tell yourself that you’ll be ok.

Standing up for yourself is great but be careful with putting your hands on people. Defending yourself is one thing but you don’t want to be the one who “started it”.

We grew up with the saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me”. Do you know that one! It’s very true. While the words may hurt your feelings, just know that the real problem is with them. They are hurting for attention.

GL my friend. We’re here for you.


Yeah I’m in 7th grade. If you didn’t know, Jose Blanco came to my school for an assembly about bullying, prob should listen to her


Everyone has given you some great advice. Seek out someone safe and just let them know you need help navigating these students.

I have 2 girls, 6th and 8th grade. Grade school is tuff! High school it gets a little better and college, should you chose it, is awesome!! Be you, be kind!! Once you’re an adult you’ll realize how cool it is to be an individual and different is actually cooler than the “normies”.

Let us know how you make out my friend.


Tell an adult about it immediately. One that will actually do something about it. Don’t wait for another incident.

Don’t waste your time defending yourself verbally, you will never win. Don’t be afraid to defend yourself physically if they make it physical.

Bullies bully because it’s easy and they stop when it’s not.

As a kid whenever an adult told me it would get better, it never really helped me feel better about it. You seem like a talented kid, so your bullies are probably just jealous that you have skills and sneer at you because of it. Id take the advice given here and escalate it to the teachers/staff, but also try to ignore them as much as possible. They may continue to say and try stuff, but the less you engage with them, eventually they will move on to others who elicit a response.

One of the defining moments of my life in early high school was stealing the discman out of a kid’s locker who always used to mess with me. I thought it would be nice to have one over on him. I felt bad a week later so I ditched it under a desk in the library, but it turns out he was just a kid from a troubled home and he never got a new one. I still look back on this over 20 years later and feel bad about it. Don’t try to get revenge, these kids aren’t worth it. Focus on surrounding yourself with people who are nice to you, and be nice back to them. Ignore the noise. Like everyone is saying, it gets better (for what that’s worth now).

If you feel as though a physical altercation may be incoming, tell your teachers and school staff. I was a big kid, but I was also able to overpower my peers as a kid if need be. This may not be the case for you, and if they are coming after you in numbers it could end poorly. Try to always be within eyesight of a school staff member. It does get better, so try not to hate everyone. Good luck, I hope things work out for you soon!


Yeah I think when we say it gets better we mean in 4-8 years it gets better. Not saying don’t make it better between just saying there’s a light at the end of the tunnel it’s not hopeless

If you do nothing, nothing will happen nor change.

If you do something; try to do it as best you can.

  1. Inform Teachers Staff

  2. Walk away - Emphasis on the walk

  3. If it turns into a physical altercations
    A) 1 on 1- Do your best. And only enough to stop the threat.
    B) Group against you. Take the beating. Assume the fetal position cover your head and neck. Go to Teachers/Staff afterwards.


I’m a bit late so I’m probably just saying a lot of what’s already been said. But also being a 7th grader, I could help some.

I guess my main advice is to put yourself in their (the bullies’) shoes. Maybe they got something going on, and they need a way to take out their frustration. They could also be jealous/ feel insignificant or looking for attention, so they belittle others. I can tell you that the middle school mentality is to be, or at least feel, popular and above everybody else.

A way to possibly stop this is to try to understand them. Jesus said to love your enemies, and in this case that would be remembering they have emotions too. If they keep making fun of you, instead of talking back and increasing friction, just up and leave. Unless they are physically harming you, don’t try to escalate things. Bullies are really just looking for a reaction, so none would be the best in this situation.

Idk if this helped, personally I’ve never been bullied, nor does my school have a bullying problem (it’s just a bunch of nerds lol), but I hope I added some value to the conversation. Stay strong


It been said alot but I also recomend getting the administration involved. If they still bully you after that I would just try not to make any reaction because bullies at my school only come back if you react to them.

ur telling me this guy went to your school?


No jodee blanco. She has a webstite called, u can go check it out i guess

I want so much to give some advice. But honestly, I do not know the situation you are in. The best people to talk to are your parents. Only they can give you informed advice. Cheers and good luck.


Honestly, I would not even give them the attention they are looking for. Don’t even react to them. They’re looking to see what they can fire up with you even with casual conversation as it will turn into mockery…been through this way too much unfortunately.

Eventually they’ll get bored if they’re not getting the kind of reactions they want out of you. Still definitely speak to some authorities especially if things are starting to get physical. Be ready to defend but don’t let them get to you, don’t give them that satisfaction.


I was just going to let this thread fade down the board, because so many people have already given you a few dozen angles on what you should do…. But, that ‘one’ statement just sticks in my head…

‘What exactly’ do you do or did you do, to ‘try to impress them’?

Before you attempt to answer that question, let me share some reality with you.

First of all, Bullies as individuals or as a group all have something in common. They have low self esteem. They don’t even like themselves, which should make it easier to understand why they might not like you.

Alone or as a group, bullies feel a little superiority, if they can make you feel inferior. You feel worse, they feel better.

Some punks will just back off, if they can’t get ‘a rise’ out of you. Some, will step up the intimidation looking for fear in your eyes or your body language.

It’s way too easy for somebody with well meaning intentions to tell you to ‘don’t let them upset you. Don’t act scared or cower like a little dog’.

Realize that in any big group of people, there will always be one person that seems to have a sign on their back that says, ‘Kick Me’.

Understand that Bullies seldom care about possibly getting into trouble for their misdeeds. One thing you don’t want to do is to tell them, you are going to report them! Even though they need to be reported, telling them, especially in front of others, suddenly make you: Fink, rat, stool pigeon , tattle tale, whatever. NEVER threaten bullies with repercussions. Bullies thrive on the tension they create. If they had any fear of getting in trouble, they wouldn’t be jerking chains in the first place.

Remember ‘You can’t fix Stupid.

But…… report them quietly. Write down the name or names of every single Idiot that tries ‘to Punk’ you. Make an accurate itemized list of the worms. Make a short list of how they are bullying you.
Give one letter to the Principle of the School. If you have either one or both parents, have them sign it and date it. In the letter, make a point that your parents also have a copy of the letter.
Have your parents contact the local Police Dept., and tell them you are in fear of physical harm from these Bullies. Tell them you are so scared at School, you can’t concentrate on your Schoolwork and you have trouble sleeping. Tell them, you understand they can’t do much without a lot of evidence, but you are asking advice, to minimize the chances of things getting worse.

….Anyway, back to the quote> How were you trying to ‘impress’ the Bullies?

You cannot impress Bullies. They are not Jerking your chain so you can do some Circus tricks for them…

…And, like it or not, yo-yoing at School, will instantly give you a Nerd rating, and Bullies feed on stuff like that .

Do a few Internet searches for videos on how to deal with bullies in School.

Good luck…


Amen to this

It’s insane to me that in a world were we talk about inclusion and similar stuff this can still be something that exist or a term to judge something, it should not stick with the modern society also thinking how much the figure of nerd change during the years, other than that how yoyo is a nerd thing? I never understood that, it doesn’t match with the nerd figure, same for kendama or other skill toys, maybe USA is cultural very different from where I am born, no one I knew ever seen it as a nerdy thing where I am from.

About the bullies I agree on all you said, involve parents and principal and they will be punished.

In my school there was a story about this kid next to my class that kept getting bullied for like 1 year, well he get tired ot it, bring to the court all his bullies and they had to do social services for quite long time and they get absolutely scared by being in court and similar.
The bullies stopped being so stupid after this adventure (also because even if as a minor thing this affect your DBS).
I think this people that bully you need a bit of this medicine and learn a good life lesson, one day in court and you will see how much fun they gonna have.

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Marco, that story legit has me in tears right now. I’m so sorry to hear that you’re dealing with this type of stuff. As a kid who’s been bullied before from 4th grade to now in 6th, I know how it feels to want to tell someone, but you just can’t. But the fact that this is happening in the 7th grade is just flabbergasting. I really wish I could do something about it. You can’t let bullies ruin your passion for yoyoing, so keep your head high!

But just remember, if you ever need to talk about something, you know where to find me. (forums…forums is where you can find me)


Hello, fellow middle schooler here!
I also struggle with bullying, mostly because I’m trans, but also because I’m a yoyoer. I’ve been called many slurs and been harassed to the point that I hide in this one room and do my work alone instead of going to my classes. Some people even started a petition to ban yoyoing in the school because it’s “distracting”. How? How is someone yoyoing at recess distracting you from your work? Anyway, like half the school signed it, and all the teachers are totally okay with it because “They didn’t name any names” even though there’s literally TWO yoyoers in THE WHOLE SCHOOL, one of which being me. I’ve talked to my parents about it, and they tell the school, (even though I explicitly ask them not to) and the school either says “We cannot persecute anybody, because there is no proof of harassment or bullying” or they just give the person detention, which doesn’t work cuz their friends just gang up on me and make it worse. My advice would be to just try as hard as you can to ignore it and don’t take heed in their words, but if they’re physically hurting you, you should get someone involved ASAP. Best of luck!!


I went to a rural school for my last three years of high school. I wore girls pants, eye shadow, had a pixie cut dyed red and black and plenty of lip piercings.

The cowboys and farmer boys tried to make fun of me, but I would just usually laugh along or give it right back to them. If they called me gay, I’d ask why are they so interested? Do they wanna make out or something? :rofl: I mean, I get it. I’m sure I was a strange sight to behold in my little farm town of 400. And it didn’t always work. Sometimes there’s people that just won’t stop until they can get some kind of rise out of you.

I also just genuinely felt cool (not claiming I was. But back then I just KNEW I was).

I guess what I’m trying to get at is, if you know deep down that you’re cool (if you are doing things you like, you’re cool, no matter what anybody says), then you shouldn’t let others opinions sway your opinion of yourself. If it’s possible to not engage, don’t. Try to sit, content in your superiority. Don’t stoop to their level.