Being bullied

Recently at school people have been getting on my case for being stupid, being a geekm and being just odd and weird. They wont let me go of trying to be normal. They say i try to be cool and “ganster”, but if im being honest, im just trying to impress them, and nothing works. Today, i was held behind my back when one of my bullies tried to hit me. When i ran, one of my classmates tripped me over and not i have scratches on my legs and a little bruise on my hand, also had my yoyo on me, and now theres dirt stuck under my rims. I stayed under the feild, hoping nobody would notice me, but everyone found me and now every knows about how i ran away and stayed behind the hill. I went on the hill because the nice people told me that i was always aloud to yoyo up there and i would not get made fun of. Turns out, the other table was planning on jumping me for doing something i did in class, and just for fun, so they followed me up the hill, to my safe place. I cried in the bathroom the other day, during recess on friday, and again in the bathroom. I really want a normal life. I have track today, and 2 of the people who picked on me today are going to be there, and during the run, theres a place where theres no teachers, so now theres another thing that im dreading today. I want to be able to tell somebody, but everytime that happened, everyone found out, so it left me with this. Sometimes, i forget about it, then i remember, then it ruins my day. I have a best friend, but hes one the few people that make me really laugh. Please help


I recommend you get your parents/guardians involved with school administration ASAP. I also recommend you avoid trying to impress mean people, that approach rarely ever works out. High School is the worst for experiencing this kind of bullying behavior, trust that life gets much better afterwards.


As someone who works in education I agree with the above comment. Let your parents and admin know ASAP. If you can, always stay with a friend group or try and find a teachers who will let you in during you break time. Many teachers let students stay in during their breaks so that can be a safe place to hang out where you won’t be alone. Best of luck!


@yoyo_cubicle is spot on. Unfortunately lots of younger folks are just mean. I’m much older than you but assure you I remember missing school days because I was “sick” due to worrying about bullies. The good news is it normally gets better as you get older.

@Scoogy please send me your address in a private message. You have these days ruminating and worrying about bullies so I’d like to give you something to look forward to. :slight_smile:


Basically what everyone above said :100:. You need to tell the school admin and your parents so that they can step in. Not sure how they will handle things, but they will do better than any of us here or just you over there on your own.

Id just add this. Its easier said than done, but always remember to just be yourself and stay true to you and only you. It is hard while in school with everyone’s eyes seemingly on you, but there are a lot of people that struggle with this even in their adult years. Dont change for someone else’s sake, because later you will not know who you truly are.

None of the stuff Ive seen you mention on these forums is odd. Bullies are just that, bullies. So definitely dont let them change you.


I’m so sorry to hear that you have that pressure on you every day. I mirror all of the sentiments previously and I feel that many have been expounded on well, but as far as your trying to impress them…I get it, I always viewed myself as an entertainer of sorts. I liked getting laughs but there were always those who were annoyed by this. I’d say the number of people who will put a target on you is much higher these days. I can’t imagine being in public school these days. I totally get why you want people to like you…who doesn’t. But all too often that can put a target on you for bullies as well. I wish I had some profound wisdom to help make it all better but unfortunately the mean have always terrorized those who wish to live in peace. It does get better with age but even workplaces can be home to bullies and sometimes they have the advantage. My wife deals with this every day. There is someone out there who makes me think terrible things. I don’t tolerate my beautiful wife being bullied too well. No matter what she does to try to make this persons job easier…they continue to make even their own work life more difficult. For their own need to dominate others. Know that you are not alone and you are always welcome to vent…you will receive no bullying here.

  1. Today - Refuse to do the run. Tell your teacher “Why”, be honest. This is the start of the process. If the teacher does nothing about it, time to head to the office. Be Honest!

Normal - regular, normal, typical, natural mean being of the sort or kind that is expected as usual, ordinary, or average . regular stresses conformity to a rule, standard, or pattern. normal implies lack of deviation from what has been discovered or established as the most usual or expected.

The issue with “Normal” is that it is such a Subjective word. Setting a goal for a moving target is often impossible to hit. This can lead to Stress, Anxiety and other issues. If you can, avoid this route.

Unique - being the only one of a particular type; single; sole . without equal or like; unparalleled.

Enigma - a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand.

To tie all of this together; You are Unique like everyone else in this world. This makes you a Enigma to your current society/environment (School). This society/environment has set the definition of Normal. A definition that is subjective and volatile to change. The truth is that it is not about Normal but being an Enigam and Unique!

I am not going to lie, this is the road less traveled, not easy. While it may sound easier to conform to normal, as stated above, its repercussions erode sense of self.

Be who you are. But get the Help. A lot of things in life, we can not do alone.

Good luck and keep us posted.


I’m 78 and still getting bullied on occasion. Do what others have said. Talk to your parents, teacher, guidance counselor, principal, librarian or coach. And know you always have the folks here to listen and sympathize. Be who you are and know that there are always other people who get who you are and care about you.


Normal is boring and over-rated anyway.

Sorry to hear this has happened to you. Things will eventually get better, there’s still plenty of insecure adults out there that have not outgrown their alpha bully stage. I had my share of bullies in school, fortunately had a small group of also equally “nerdy” friends I was able to stick with during times where I’d be near those bullies (we loved video games and some of us had yoyos, during yoyo boom of the 90s). Sadly, bullies don’t know how to fight 1v1 anymore either…


No one gets to dictate who you choose to be. “Normal” only exists in the mind of the individual. You are your normal, and you should hold that in high regard. You are the only you in existence. For now, chin up, full heart, don’t confront, but don’t run. Everyone else will catch up to your brand of awesome, or watch it pass them by.


School is a whole bunch of suck. small people learning how to be people and uncertain about how they are doing things, so they lash out at anyone that doesn’t live life the way they believe is the standard they live to.

In the end this too shall pass and as an adult you really don’t have to deal with junk like that at all. You shouldn’t have to as a kid either.

Tell your parents and teachers or administrators and friends whats happening and how you feel. Fear is a terrible thing and you shouldn’t be made to feel fearful.

I dont have any better answers i was bullied in school as well and let that dictate how i acted and i regret not acting more like myself and not being able to express myself until i was much older out of fear.


I’m 73. It gets better. I had a hard time in HS. I was a nerd. College was much better. It even gets better when you set the curve in your college classes. So study hard and be yourself.

I tough middle and high school science and math for 15 years. Student bullies usually have parent bullies. Get your parents/guardians involved and hold the admin accountable.

A handful of real friends to hang around with is a big asset.

Stay strong.



Im not encouraging fighting but theres a time and a place for everything. Enroll in some kind mma class like karate and when its time knock one of em out. Itll all stop.


I am so sorry to hear this, I have been in your situation during my school time and it lasted an year this situation, as everyone said inform teacher and your parents, is the first and best thing to do or this thing will not gonna stop soon, if this people feel “unpunished and safe” they will keep doing it thinking is the right thing to do.

When it happened to me, I looked for people that had my similar interest back then, I created a group of friend that had fun in my same way and I stick with them, imagine that most of them are still my dearest friends nowadays, in the tragedy I was living I tried to make something good out of it that still resist nowadays.

Kids sometimes are evil and pick you up for the most stupid things, in my case it was because I was very thin and a bit smaller than some of the others lmao imagine what a stupid excuse but from a 13 years old what you can expect?

As said find people around you that share your interests, do not be afraid to speak with your parents and teachers, they know better than you and also grow strong and learn to care less and less, I know is hard right now but it will help you.

Send you a big hug mate, you can do it and never be afraid!


Kids can be so mean dude. Don’t try to impress them. The most impressive thing you can do in this life is to just be authentic and true to yourself. It can be very hard to know what that looks like at 13 but you’ll get there. Don’t let them get you down bro and don’t let them control your feelings. You can’t control what other people do, but you can control your reaction. If you know you’re cool (and I’m pretty sure you do because you ARE!) then why would you let anyone convince you otherwise?

Once high school is over. You’ll be able to look back and realize how little all that dumb sh¡t actually matters. I know that doesn’t make it easier in the moment but it does get easier eventually.


I’m so sorry to hear you’re dealing with this.
Others have already mentioned many good solutions and I highly suggest taking a look at what ideas people have.

You’re still young and like others said, a lot of this won’t matter once you’re older and I’m sure a lot of those bullies will come around and realize this too as they get older.

Much support your way and I totally understand as I was a heavily bullied kid growing up too. Know you’re definitely not alone!

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I haven’t read all of this but I read your comments, young man.

Be yourself and be proud of the nuances that make you you. Here’s a little tip, most people are faking it the same way you are attempting. Kids often replicate what they see at home. The kids picking on you likely aren’t living the cool lives they are portraying either.

For whatever it’s worth, you need to tap in whatever council is available to you. Glad you came here to vent. Many of us have been bullied at times in our lives and all of us handled it different ways. Unfortunately, the kid who doesn’t want to fight often leaves with a black eye. Defending yourself is always an option. The kids are less likely to give you a hard time once you understand you are dangerous as well. Don’t misunderstand my intentions, I am not advocating for violence. I have a young son. He knows that his first measure is always to seek support. To try to defuse. To understand that if he can’t win with his words he oughta try harder. But! When all else fails and he gets that rumble in his stomach, he doesnt need to wait to be hit to start moving. I would suggest the same to you. Fighting is scary sometimes, but not as scary as waiting for them to finish.

Hold your head high. Walk with pride. You will age out of this social system and will surround yourself with people you value, who value you. The school social system feels like forever. I promise it isn’t. Don’t give the assholes the power to effect the way you feel about you!!

■■■■ bullies.

  • your friend, Rich

This…I very much appreciate. I say this to my family often. Times are hard and stress is high. People are angry for a reason. We can’t control others. We…are the only thing we have control over…ourselves. And our reactions…even internally have massive impacts on our overall health and well being. Choose to let it go. If people don’t like you for who you are…then they are not worth losing sleep over. Find people who make you feel good about who you are and hang around those people. Your overall health and well being will improve greatly and this will touch every aspect of your life. It may sound a tad hippy, but if you really think about it you’ll see it’s true.


So today the bullies stayed off the hill, but when I got back from recess, the bullies found a little piece of wood and started to kick it around. One of them asked me if I could make a yoyo with it. I told them to shut up and be quiet but they were just like “Im just asking if you can make one”, so I say “prob not”, and give them a little shove. They start to mock me and saying that im weak and making fun of me for thinking that “im the main character”. And when I got into the bathroom after a class, they started making fun of me and saying “oh marcos gonna push us guys”, and one of the others say “guys we should jump marco”, so I get up to him and ask him why to try to get him to stop, but then on of them pin me into the wall and tell me not to “pick on him” And Its not like that though. I thought recess was going to be fun. I told a lot of my friends about it, but they said they couldnt do anything. If they do anything again, im defenitly telling a teacher.


this is the kind of thing where i would definitely inform a teacher asap as well as your parents (if u feel safe telling them). if not, the school counselor is also a good place to go, because they will be able to provide the support u need mentally. as a kid i was often bullied a lot for being the weird loner, to the point that a teacher joined in, but going to the authorities of the school was very helpful. also, if teachers say they cant help, don’t be discouraged. just go higher up the command line "like a principal or vice principal). the higher up you go, the more concerned the school will be. as a matter of fact, i would recommend this due to the severity of the threats that these kids are making towards you. stay strong, and get help. there are bigger fish in the sea than these kids, and they are on your side.