Thank you all!

I would just like to thank this community for being so kind and helpful. I’ve never met such nice and generous people as I have in this community. Thank you all :blush:


What a nice post/thread!

I’d also like to thank the community for being so welcoming, especially the BST forums (which I’m addicted to). This is a really supportive, non-toxic place to enjoy the hobby and meet great people.

Thanks also to @Gaterman for taking the time out of your day to post this. :heavy_heart_exclamation:


couldn’t agree more @100Love even though this is my second day on the forums.
I’m so addicted I’m at school writing this reply on my school computer.


This comment takes me back, used to be all over the forums during class (still not sure how I maintained a 3.4 GPA) I used to bring a throw or two to school and do some tricks in the hallways. Everyone to my surprise thought it was awesome even the “cool” kids


sadly I don’t bring my yoyo to school


I don’t blame you. I only ever brought plastics there was no way I was carrying around a CLYW or something in my backpack at school

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yeah I have a replay pro that I can bring but I mainly play 5a and am too lazy to take off the counterweight so that I don’t hit anyone


5a will impress your crush though. These are the tough decisions


yeah you’re right but I’m not that good
but also the person next to me is like “you’re such a nerd yoyos are so boring”
I brought my yoyo to school a few times and got made fun of a lot so I don’t really bring it anymore


@kokoyoyo1 School is rough enough already, so I completely understand wanting to minimize the chances of being bullied/picked on. That being said, the only way to get to “good” is by going through “not that good,” so make sure to practice whenever you’re in a comfortable environment.

It sounds like you have a real passion for yoyos, and I hope you don’t let the cruel nature of others keep you from developing your skills. We’re lucky to have a hobby we love to be a part of, so don’t let anyone make you feel ashamed of it. :slight_smile:


Nerds are the bees knees these days … Ultimately they’re just jealous :blush:


I’m sorry to hear that man. School is rough that way. Just remember a few things from a guy that was there recently.

-you’re never gonna see most of those people again in your life. What they think of you or say will not matter in a few years.

-ignorance is a bliss. “Yoyos are boring”??? clearly these people haven’t seen a modern yoyo within the last 20 years.

-The whole “nerd” thing going to seem very ironic a few years down the line. Girls as you get older (or guys, not excluding anyone) are going to start to appreciate a more sophisticated, “nerd” and think it’s a good thing. My gf loves that I have a hobby I enjoy and that makes me happy and she even tries to throw once awhile just to make me happy. She loves that “nerdy” side to me. I don’t know if this one helps any but that’s my take!

-Find a group of people that enjoy you for you. I have friends that don’t yoyo as do most of us I’m sure, but they support me and again even try and throw a little bit when I have them out. They would never make fun of it or say it’s nerdy or boring etc. Surrounding yourself with these kinds of people does wonders. Believe me.

-Lastly, feel free to contact me at anytime. If you’re feeling down, made fun of, just not having a good day etc. My PMs are ALWAYS open. I will talk you through whatever you need, talk yoyos, maybe you can teach me a thing or two in 5a, you name it.


Thank you so much it really means a lot having someone else to talk about yoyoing would be a blessing. One question though what time zone are you in so I know when I can contact you. I will definitely teach some 5a tricks.


No problem homie! I’m mountain standard so I’m just a couple hours behind ya, no biggie there. Also I work from home most days and am a night owl so anytime at night I’ll mostly likely be available


Thanks dude
I will probly dm later im still in school rn


Don’t let the haters get you down. Most people who behave like that do it because they feel insecure about themselves. They tear others down just to make themselves feel better.

Keep practicing your tricks! You’ve got a unique hobby that is a ton of fun and can lead to great experiences.


Amen to this, I used to bring my yoyo in school and people loved it there, sometimes I used to do not enter to school and pass the day with the friends at the park (in Italy is easy to don’t go to school and do not have problems) and I used to bring my X-convict for me and a Velocity for the friends to try, we pass hours just talking and messing around with them trying to bind it and me trying my tricks, I noticed in my school was super appreciated by everyone to see me yoyoing I have even been invited to another school for a little show with people that use diabolo and similar stuff. Such nice memories!


This is really cool! Yeah I fortunately never had a problem in those regards either. I played baseball in highschool, so in America if you play sports in school or whatever you’re automatically a “cool kid”. I think when I brought a yo-yo to my school I not only surprised a lot of people but also hopefully broke some barriers and stereotypes in a sense that yeah, “cool kids” play yoyo, so what? If Austin throws them why would it be nerdy or uncool, or whatever kids these days say haha. But when it comes to bullying and all that I take it very serious and I’m always here for anyone