Beginner questions for the offstring players

I just started this adventure, so these are probably the same questions everyone has, but, here goes…
Is 4A hard on string? This string did not last long at all, and it surprised me it would have any wear on the end, is this common?

I am having problems with the string not releasing which causes the yo-yo to return to my hand, or smash into my face if I am trying a fwd throw. Is this some mandatory off string hazing, or maybe a string issue?
More questions to follow, but I am curious if any string type works smoother, I read a few comments about kitty string fat, which I will try next, any opinions?

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I have lots of thoughts on this but I have noticed that snagging is a common issue with offstring especially for beginners. I had this a ton and it was super frustrating until I chatted with significantly better 4a players than myself and realized some adjustments I could make to deal with this better.

Check the length of your string. In general, most 4a players use string that’s a lot shorter than what they use for 1a. I tried the opposite at first and that led to a TON of snagging. Even just making that change reduced a lot of issues with snagging. Another is understanding how your yoyo responds. Some 4a throws are extremely responsive and more prone to snagging, so you may not need to throw as much string in the gap when you bind.

Spacers and string thickness can also make a big difference as well, so maybe try experimenting with thinner string than you normally use if it’s too responsive or thicker string if it’s not responsive enough. I wouldn’t worry too much about spacers at first but if you have them you could experiment with that as well.

Start with shorter string length and less string into the gap when you bind and see how that helps. That honestly made a huge difference for me. Hope that helps!

*Edit: forgot about the different string brands. I’ve tried a few and again it depends on the issue you’re facing. I’ve found that kitty fat seems thinner than Sochi normal or alphalines so it tends to snag less but sometimes is too thin and misses binds. I don’t run into snagging as much anymore even with other string types so I think it just was a matter of learning how to avoid snagging with the string you have.


Thank you. I have not worked out any snap start type binds yet and so I am currently just winding it up, how much tail should I leave, short or long it seems unpredictable so far.

Yeah it takes some experimentation on most of those things but I’d say cut your string a few inches shorter than you would for 1a and try that first. Snap starts can be very prone to snagging until you learn how to avoid the snags and I still struggle with this too so I also avoid snap starts tbh but I should revisit this and actually practice quick restarts. As for the tail when winding, I’d say maybe an inch or two is probably fine.

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Thanks for the input, it all seems to be spot on. This yo-yo was super unresponsive and it frustrated me when I tried it the first time. A drop of thin lube made a world of difference, and yes, the different strings are big variables. This whole dialing in is kind of tedious, but it’s a lot like spin tops, and the throwing part is a lot like tops. So far I am enjoying it, except for the unexpected binds to the knuckles.

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Glad it was helpful and that you’re enjoying the journey! 4a is such a fun style and once you get the hang of the setup and binds/not snagging you’ll be set to learn a lot!

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