Ashamed Of My Shutter Love?

Um…? Sure, let’s go with that…? ???

small army of children and infants with drumstick for valor?

That part with the letters and words in it.

Here is the review from YoYoNews.

Give us a try ! :stuck_out_tongue: worth it !

Send us mail if you have any question !

Thanks !
We are glad that you like it !

Yeah you might just get a Roar, and then if you don’t like it you could trade for a benchmark.

Woah!! I actually got a response from Whimsy themselves! I’m your first subscriber and everything guys! Thanks a lot!! I just might get a Roar ;D ;D And yeah, that’s a good idea. Thanks znin!

I really like the gradient, but thats a little out of your price range. Its has the best shape of any yoyo, in my opinion.

Ha! Actually, I found a Gradient on the BST for 65$, and was wondering if I should get it! The shape looks amazing, but I’m just not sure…

Get it. You won’t reGrade it.

You can find cheaper mint ones though.

Hahaha… Oh my spleen… and are you sure? Its so hard to decide without trying all of these bad boys out ???

And can I Someone? Where at?

That’s the hardest thing about yoyoing right now is trying to pick a yoyo. Just jump on a model that you like and don’t look at anything else, and snatch it up. I’m sure there’s an ancient proverb for this dilemma but I can’t seem to remember it.

Like I said before, many people like it,and so will you. Almost anything you pick you’ll look at a month later and say, “Man, I wish I got the other one, this one probably isn’t as good. What an unlucky person I am.” And then not realize that no matter what you got you would say the same thing.

The BST is a wonderful place lol. Just check it daily. I’ll post a link if I come across a good deal for one though.

Not a big fan of the bst any more. No one knows the value of their throws. try to get a pop and n12 for an equil and got a “No man I’m good.” XP and if it’s not that, it’s always “CLYW” for this or that. XP Can’t do anything in the bst with out one of those throws it seems like.
That, or you need to have a good sum of pay pal, and for a broke colledge kid helping with hospital bills, kinda makes things a little hard to get anywhere.

This made me laugh lol. And thanks a lot Someone!
