Anyone receive or get to throw the A-rt Inhaler yet?

I tried to buy one and it didn’t give me time :frowning:
I blinked and they sold out!


I’ve had the heavy dose for a few days and after struggling to keep it upright (let alone in plane), I gave in and put a concave bearing in it. @Chriscatastrophe you’re right that it changes things for the better (more than a little for me). I’ve kept the 10 ball in a few of my ODs (though I do change out most of them to concave), but this design just wouldn’t work for me that way.


Interested if anyone has had a chance to compare the nominal and heavy dose? Is there much difference?

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I have both “heavy” and “light” versions and can’t tell the difference. Both equally good throws if you were only able to cop one.


Alright, so I got my Inhaler in. Here’s some first impressions… it plays literally nothing like I thought it would. When you look at it, it’s got such an old school look that you THINK you know how it’s gonna play. But then you actually play it and it’s like… wiffle ball light lmao. And I LOVE light yoyos, don’t get me wrong, but I think this thing would’ve benefited from a TICK more rim weight tbh - cause I’m surprised how unstable it is. It looks like it would have the solid feel of the WM1 crossed with something like a Grail, which was what I was expecting, but even the Grail is more stable than this. This is definitely a float king, and I’m not sure whether I have the lighter or heavier version, but if this is the “heavier” version… wow lol. I think the Mowl Q and A-rt B7 are masterclasses in how to achieve decent stability at lighter weights with somehow no obvious rim weight, but whatever is happening in those yoyos didn’t carry over to this one. I personally don’t have any issues maneuvering high wall yoyos, and sometimes prefer them (whether it’s for nostaglic purposes or just bettering my technique), but let this be a warning to people who are already skeptical of high wall yoyos - you won’t like this haha.

This guy is also less “gold” and more “piss yellow” which is funny, and if I were them I would’ve taken advantage of that in the marketing. Was expecting more of an actual gold, like my gold grail or even my sunshine grail, but piss yellow is good with me and definitely more interesting. What’s interesting is the pink anno under the bearing seat… not sure what that’s about, but thought I’d point it out in case anyone knows.

Mine did come with a ding “pre-installed” which is annoying when you’re already paying over $100 for a NEW monometal, but whatever… it’s almost weirdly to be expected at this point and is somehow “on brand” in a way I can’t really explain lol. I personally don’t care too much (and it’s nice so I can really put it to some good use), but thought I’d let people know it’s happening in case they have stronger opinions about that sort of thing.

It’s dead smooth, it’s silent, and the hand feel is literally perfect - definitely one of the most comfortable feeling throws I’ve felt in a long time. In the hand, it feels very in between a Peak, WM1 and Grail. Almost feels like a modern successor to those two CLYWs, and could be an all time classic with just a few tweaks.

That’s the thing though… I feel like this could be literally a PERFECT yoyo with just a few adjustments. I was having this discussion with a friend on the forums recently where we were saying how it’s unfortunate these smaller boutique companies don’t have either the funds, ability or desire to properly FULLY prototype a certain design and put it through its paces to make it as good as it possibly can be. Often times the first thing they get back of the machines is what becomes the entire run, and then they charge a premium for what was essentially an experiment. It’s a bummer because I feel like a little feedback could’ve turned this yoyo from good to GREAT. I don’t think One Drop does prototyping tho, and the guys at A-RT don’t strike me as “let’s really refine this” type dudes lol. I just think discussions about boutique brands doing full runs of whatever comes out first are discussions worth having. No yoyos these days are BAD by any means (10 years ago, this wasn’t the case however) but it’s hard to push things forward when it’s like… “Eh, this is pretty good, let’s do a full run of it.” Of COURSE it’s good… it’s hard to make a bad yoyo these days. But I think this is a yoyo that sparks an important conversation about how when you are planning to charge $100+ for a monometal, it is almost a disservice to your customers to not explore the ways in which a throw could be improved. Who knows, maybe they did, and I’m sorry for suggesting they didn’t if that’s not the case, but it IS something that’s happening on a wider scale for sure that should be talked about.

Anyways… back to this guy in particular:

Here are the pros - smooth as hell, quiet stock, SUBLIME hand feel, absolutely GOAT packaging, floaty to the max.

Here are the cons - unstable, lacks rim weight, might be too light for its own good - to where spin/power is lacking, premium cost for a 6061 monometal throw, QC could result in receiving one in questionable condition.

Gonna keep throwing it and I’ll add anything if I have more thoughts or if my opinion changes. Definitely interested in hearing more thoughts about this one from everybody!


Great review. Mine arrived NQP too. And as someone mentioned in the other topic, the gold (and clear) are both the “light” version. The fact that Charles can do everything in that three minute video ART posted using this yoyo, presumably with the flat bearing even, shows just how good he is. The lighter version feels a little more stable to me than the heavier one, but obviously that’s just an impression from one day of use and might not be right.


Mine is out for delivery…. I love to hear the feedback so far.


Honestly the discussion around the Inhaler and its performance/design intent/play experience has made this probably the most interesting release of the year. This one is definitely going on my bucket list of yoyos to try eventually.


Very much in the same boat. I kinda need one in clear or brown lol


After tossing this around for a lil I can say it’s plays exactly like I thought it would lol. It has very distinct playing characteristics that I find are quite satisfying to me. It had a lot of personality and I think it’s exactly what they wanted it to be.


Truer words were never spoken.


Did you buy an A Grade or A- Grade? Both were options for the Gold.


Ive played this now for about 3 weeks and I have to say its definitely made its way into one of my top yoyos.
The main aspect I love about this yoyo is purely the feeling that its a yoyo I can beat around and throw in my bag all casual like. It really has a throwback feeling that is unmatched.
I mentioned before that the play reminds me of a SPYY Spyder and this definitely remains true although in a smoother way thanks to the large bearing.

I brought this yoyo to a meet a bit ago and many commented that it plays very well, but someone not as used to high wall and center weighted yoyos will definitely find it not as forgiving as many modern yoyos. But for someone like me who was largely raised on yoyos like these, it’s a really nice feel.


I’m really enjoying how this plays so far. It’s been a real joy to use. Would love to try the heavier version but so far nothing but thumbs up. Regens feel so buttery and binds are superb. So far the flat bearing has been just fine.


Just got mine this morning and it’s been great. It’s got a nice laid back feel to it that you can just pick it up when you’re just chilling without having to going into a “throwing session” mood.

I think it’s meant to be played with a flat bearing tho, I switched it out with a DS bearing and it feels weird and slippery.


This was sold by A-RT as a special edition Inhaler, using some stuff from Chase’s other brand I think. Just putting the info out there you can come to your own conclusion.


What in the absolute hell am I looking at there


The context of Chase’s “other brand” seems important. It appears pretty insensitive on the surface. Is the message “make school shooters harmless/not real”? “Make school shooters not happen” (like Trump’s 2nd campaign)? Regardless of what he’s trying to get across it seems very inept, lol.


Thanks for the context. As a non american the idea of school shooter is still pretty insane to me. so a sticker like that without context just seems wildly inappropriate. With context yeah sure its just another bit of meme type satire that they like to do but still seems weird to include it with a yoyo though


Exactly the type of reason why I’ve soured on A-RT. They can miss me with their immature Edgelord stuff (and that’s putting it kindly!).