A guy at work introduced me to begleri, which is basically two beads on a small segment of cord (4inches / 10cm) which you twirl in your fingers. Kind of fun.
It’s a bit more discrete at work than my yoyo or kendama, so that’s a plus.
I searched, and didn’t see any mention of it on these forums.
I may not play begleri, and I never had before, but I did hear about MonkeyfingeR Design collaborating with Aroundsquare to produce a specialized begleri toy, named the Wukong.
I discovered Begleri just last week and I have had fun making them as we as playing them. Interesting how easy they are to make yet so expensive to purchase.
I made several of my own, then bought a “good set” now my home made ones are cute decorations. to play them fees weird and wrong. I made all of mine WAAAY too light. Now im used to heavy ones, i cant go back. :