New Titanium Gumballs Begleri Dropping Tonight

Just in case anyone is interested in getting their first begleri set, I have a new begleri model dropping tonight 8pm EST here on YoyoExpert. It’s a titanium set, it will be pretty limited, and inexpensive for the kind of material it is. They’re round, comfy, and the 28g version is available here in the store tonight.

Begleri, just like yo-yoing, is a past time, a hobby, a skilltoy, and a neat toy to try, for those tight spaces where you can’t throw yo-yos. It’s even lower maintenance than yo-yo, and for the most part, even less expensive too. I do it while I’m driving, stuck in traffic, talking on the phone at work, stuck waiting in line, or watching TV. I even do it while I’m checking posts from my phone or reading a book. It’s fun, and it really does ease the mind.

I’ll post a tutorial here, that got me started. You’ll see the video that got me started, and my progress with it so far in the Gumballs promo video.

A video of me playing the Gumballs:

Here’s the tutorial that got me started:


I was curious about the history here and it’s Greek, associated with music (or religion) originally?

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