anybody play GTA?

Oh okay thanks. Did you guys get any special editions? Or just the game?

I hear the blimp is extremely fragile. Like I saw a video where a building touched it and it blew up :wink:
Have you used Any cheats? I usually have 1 game slit with and 1 slot without cheats.

Just picked up the regular edition. Don’t have any space left on my shelf/walls for any more special edition collectible stuff. Looks like IGN already have a pretty huge list of cheats posted up on their GTA V wiki guide.

Might throw on a few cheats after I’ve completed the story and just run rampage on Los Santos.


Thats always fun :wink:
Haha,whenever there is a mission I can’t complete, im always very tempted to use some cheats. I usually use cheats, but in san Andreas I cant. At least I dont think so, you can only do cheats on the ps2 and Xbox controllers.

And also, the cheats for GTA V, aren’t they like “got super punch, type in x y a lb a rb x y”? Cuz I feel like I might actually press that on accident (when im freaking out).

I got GTA 5! Its my favorite game. Ut literally blew be away. Its so fun and I LOVE that “dot” to aim. Its so awesome!

It’s easy enough that you can complete most missions without too much trouble. They’re pretty generous with the amount of ammo they give you.


True, if you pick up a pistol you have like 120 clips (shots?) but this game is seriously amazing. I just can’t get over it!

When I switch from mike to Franklin (or vise versa) it foes do that thing where it goes “boom boom boom”. Like when it zooms out 3 times. But after it moves to the location, it just sits there fit like 5 seconds, then zooms back in. If you get what I mean, can I fix that? I also heard Xbox is more laggy or glitchy than ps3

Do you guys have the Ifruit app? Can I get it with windows phone? Also, I read that they are trying to get it for windows, do you guys know when?

And why is it called I fruit?..

iFruit is a parody of Apple’s ‘i’ range of products (ipod, iphone etc). As far as I know, it’s only available, ironically, on iOS at the moment.


What is this? Fox News?

Thats what I thought. But come on, its gta’s first big app, I wouldn’t make that the name…
ive heard roumors that it’s coming out for android and windows phone, I have windows 7 phone. a Nokia lumia 900. Can I get the app with windows 7 )if it comes out for windows) or will it only be windows 8?

Game update: so I’ve unlocked all 3 people, I stopped Michaels daughter from embarrassing herself on Tv. Umm, what was the last mission… I think it was from Lester, where im Franklin killing those guys for the cigarette company (sorry if spoliers…) are you guys wayyyy ahead of me?

Already finished the story mode. Just mucking around with the side quests now.


Gta 5 is the bees knees. 94% complete on mine.

Jeez you guys! Wow… Im like 25% done. And I’ve had it for 3 days, in my shoes, you guys would he like 45%!

Not even joking, I finished the game 20 minutes before I left for Homecoming. So how I managed to finish the game and end up looking like this is a complete mystery…

Is anyone else trying to play it online and it’s constantly messing up? It’s corrupting peoples single player and I can get like 2 minutes of online gameplay of it before getting kicked out

The servers are overloaded right now–too many people are trying to get on at once. It should get better within the coming days, but I haven’t been able to do any multiplayer heists or jobs yet.

There are no heists yet. They are gonna release it later. Not sure when though.

Might wait until they’ve got the online properly sorted out before I go and renew my XBL subscription.


thats what I would do but I just got my new subscription about a week ago. It’s still having issues here and there. Takes me about 15 minutes of loading screen just for it to tell me that the session has timed out and then it freezes forcing me to dashboard :frowning:

I really love the open world themes of GTA. But sadly I’m not allowed to play it :frowning: There’s a lot of other cool open world games though :confused:
(Like Dwarf Fortress)