anybody play GTA?

It’s a shame you’re missing out on such a fantastic game but I think your parents made the right call on this one. There’s a lot of stuff in GTA 5 that’s entirely inappropriate for young 'uns. Sucks now, but when you’re a bit older I’m sure you’ll appreciate that they’re just trying to protect you.


I agree and disagree

They are protecting you and stuff, but also, I think we (im 13) know what’s coming.
Like with cussing. We already knew/know the words and how to use them, but we still shouldn’t hear them. But if we do, no big deal. We just laugh and move on. I take games seriously, I didn’t really care about what Trevor was doing when we first “met” him.
If you get what I mean… Haha

OHHHH. I see what you did there :wink:

It was an… Interesting scene…

Some of you may like this, but it kinda bothers me. Lke when Trevor wakes up somewhere with different clothes on? Its funny and all but I feel like I shouldn’t buy him clothes if that’s gonna happen.
(31% done with story! How did you guys finish so fast?!?!!?)

Different clothes on? Half the time when I switch to Trevor he’s passed out somewhere in his underpants XD


Actually I’m not that young (16). It’s my parents opinion (and kinda mine too) that M games are wrong in the first place. I kinda agree, but there’s all kinds of M games that I don’t believe are intrinsically wrong. My parents really don’t approve of M rated violence or sexual things in video games. Luckily with Dwarf Fortress they can’t even tell it’s violent XD

I hate the fact that it does change his clothes. I stopped caring for his outfit. Like, he’s Trevor. Shouldn’t have to worry about that. Haha! And I finished the story and got 66.7% done in 3 days :smiley: GTA V is killing my social life. Today was the first time I went outside in a week! Level 21 Online! It’s great!

How much of the junk is avoidable such as language and inappropriate stuff in GTAV? Cause I really want to play it but my parents say no.

There is language and sexual scenes. I’ve been through 40% of the game and there have been 2 so far.

Lots of language, lots of violence, and lots of sexual scenes/references. I haven’t been able to connect to online for a while now–hopefully the patch will fix the Xbox version like it did for PS3…

Yeah I know that but can you mute the language and turn the subtitles off?

Yes, but muting the dialogue and taking off the subtitles takes away from the enjoyment of the game. The dialogue is very important. It helps progress the game, and I feel you get a better understanding of the characters through their words/voices. There’s still the sex scenes, drug use/reference, and all the other inappropriate stuff.

My opinion is that you shouldn’t do it half way–if you’re going to play the game, enjoy it.

I don’t really care if I can’t hear the voices. Can you skip cutscenes?

There was a sex scene where I had to record it…

they released the patch for the PS3 this morning because it had more problems than Xbox. They said they are working with Microsoft at the moment to get it on Xbox and it would come out sometime tonight.

When do I steal the chopper from the military base? I hear thats a really fun and hard mission. Im about 42% done with the game.

I also haven’t done letters assassination missions because 3 friends (yes, including you Infinitehexick) said I should wait till the end of the game and spend every penny I have into the other company. Then when I kill the leader if that company, sales will go down and I will make a lot if $$$.

I feel like that ^^ ^ was a big run-on sentence… :stuck_out_tongue: