There were older topics, but I’m talking any R/C type! I love racing my TLR buggy. If you bought a car, what is it and how much did it cost? I wanted mine to be a contender and spent over one grand which is wayyyyyyy too much. Looking for others in the hobby after seeing a fellow user talk about RC planes and helicopters!
Honestly, once you start getting into “hobby grade” that amount is pretty easy to hit!
I’ve been out of it for a while, but I still have a couple nitro Traxxas Revo 3.3s. One was set up purely for racing and the other was set up for durability…even though that doesnt really exist for RC toys lol
Nice! I had a rustler but sold it. I now drive the TLR 22 5.0 SR.
The only cars I’ve had are the $25-$35 toys from Radio Shack.
real R/Cs are super fun!
Oh so much fun!
From the old RC10GT and Kyosho cars/trucks in the mid 90’s. I’ve raced 1/10th scale to 1/8th in electric to nitro. From cars to truggies to monster trucks. Parts were more than the kit. Pit row was ready for anything.
Fly in’s were something else. No parts jumps built to disable, just a flight field full of those ready to impress or die lol.
My old HPI Savage truck was a Savage! .28 stock engine and blasted off 30’ plus bridge jumps literally for fun. Just kept cruising along, A true beast.
The 1st micro planes were the Kyosho Cessna (2008?) planes Horizon stole. Great micro planes!
Haven’t done RC in a while but I do have an assortment of RC cars/trucks. My first one I got was a Traxxas Rustler (that I fried the motor on not long after my 2nd run with it). It’s running brushless setup and it hauls on just the NiMH. I also have an HPI drift car as well as a 1/24 drifter, a 1/24 short course truck, and a 1/18 Team Associated buggy.
I also got a couple cheap ultra tiny RC’s that I bought at Fry’s Electronics (RIP)…they’re a lot of fun to chase cats with.
None anywhere close to me but I loved going to Fry’s when I was traveling about
I run a Traxxas Max and a Traxxas Revo. Only gas stuff…
…prolly from racing cars and Hot Harleys, I just haven’t warmed up to cars that don’t make ‘noise’.
It’s not that I ‘like’ noise. It’s more that I don’t like racing R/C’s that don’t make noise, lol.
Harley is working on a battery powered Harley. < Count Mo out.
And I like running my cars outdoors. There are a few nice indoor tracks, but electric only.
And most of the outdoor tracks have faded into the sunset. So I just run em on the street.
Keeps my neighbors from falling asleep. When I light up the Maxx, I can actually feel the neighbors’ affections flowing right towards me. Or maybe they’re just bullets passing by me?
Those savages are rare! I want a 4WD buggy and wish to race e Truggy or stadium truck.
The maxx. That’s a traxxas classic. Hex or phillip screws on it?
This was a Savage ‘X’. The frame design made it a rolling brick. From the T-Maxx to the 3.3 breaking a good bit it was a pleasant change. We loved construction sites and the likes with big dirt mounds etc. to bash in. The wife could ramp back flips, doubles, and fronts with her Maxx 3.3’s but was always busting diff’s even landing while not under power. The poor old X could barely even pull a single back flip. It just wouldn’t rev quick enough with the stock wheels/tires but would hardly ever break.
Same here. The noise and burnt fuel was a major draw for me. I got into electric more once they caught up with the power of nitro and have now surpassed it. 6cell trucks can do a standing back flip now. They are stupid powerful. The electric start on the Traxxas trucks helped many I knew get into nitro that otherwise wouldn’t have.
Last racing I did was with the HPI Hellfire truggy. With a few mods it ran well. Coming from motocross I basically just drove it like I would’ve ridden the track and did well early on back in my RC10GT days to then. It was a great cross training situation it turned out. Like you mentioned, all the outdoor tracks started to shut down though.
We actually had an old home owners association put in a ‘no R/C’ clause, although it wasn’t just us who had them. Same people that mowed their yard at 7am and had gas weed-eaters running half the day while pouring gallons of bug and weed killer every weekend. Made much more racket than we ever did.
I have a few RC cars, mostly Traxis. They range from minis to VW Bugs to a pretty fast electric Maxx. First time I took the Maxx out I crashed into a brick wall and some electronics broke away from the frame. Have not fixed it yet and that was 2 years ago.
Have a couple DJI drones, a Mavic Mini and a Mavic Air 2. Also have a few little 3 inch woops. Those are like yoyos. Every time you buy one you see another that you need, well, want.
I have my most fun with mid size $100 rc cars. Those are good enough to hold up, and cheap enough not to worry about if you crash. I buy them in pairs so I can take friends out and have some fun. I get a lot more out of 2 x $100 rc cars with spare batteries than I do with a single $400 car.
I fly planes and drones for fun, just getting into FPV. I fly Mavics and Phantoms for work. I am lucky I get to work and play with RC flight!
What a cool video!
kiddo and i have 2wd traxxas rustler and slash that we’ll tear around the driveways, or take up to the skate park and bash up… any time i break something on mine i upgrade a little bit, and save extras for his… and stockpile
Wow that was awesome to watch. Great edit and it looks like a really cool place
Yes there’s some fantastic work there.
Here’s a background article: Tiny drone swooping through Minneapolis bowling alley blows up the Internet
Also here’s a background video:
Found some old pics.
Old KatanaMD 48" wingspan. 1st company to start laminating carbon fiber over the balsa in kits, in key areas for strength. One of the few planes I haven’t torn into literal pieces flying hard. Blenders specifically.

Old stock EF16. About 80mph oob. Glassed and ported to a 70mm fan could get mid 160’s mph. Record in a speed contest was high 170’s on this model iirc. These were so fun and sounded great! Like little real jets. The micro versions of different jets were fun too. The Mig was very popular.
Also enjoyed the Funjet, although it was a prop plane! Easy 100mph stock frame and great flyer and great plane to try out different builds.
Micro Sukhoi’s. 15" wingspan and usually had em in the trunk ready to fly. They stored in the retail box and it was a carrying case too. Very portable and fun and they flew great. Rolling circles etc. were easy and these were still the 1cell brushed versions of UMX. Now most are 2 cell brushless! The Beast and Micro 4site were great bi-planes!
The old trucks. Tmaxx 3.3, HPI Hellfire, and Savage X.
Micro motor I wound and put on a custom designed and built wing jet. 3x3 inch prop gave me a pitch speed of 94 mph and with electronic inefficiency and air frame drag I had a top air speed of 68mph.
A micro plane motor I pulled from an EDF jet next to a brushed geared motor from the Sukhoi. 11,500kv put on a custom made 2x2.5 prop and 8" wing span micro pylon plane. 1 cell lipo. That’s the esc with it. Hand sanded several airfoils (went with mh30 iirc) only to find out at this size it didn’t matter.