Any Old Guys Here?

Right, and that’s why having to live with that bum hip for your whole entire life from the crazy derring-do you committed when you were 20 … is kind of a bad trade-off.

It’s tough because it might come across as “don’t ever do anything risky!” which isn’t my intent, it’s more like “realize that life goes on a LOOOONG time, and you may have to deal with the consequences of those early decisions a WHOOOLE long longer than you’d like. Like… a whooooooooooooooole lot longer.”

Well there was that time I made my own hang glider and launched off a cliff over a reservoir.(wont even share the rest of that story)
There was that time I decided to whitewater scuba.
Blew two engines drag racing motorcycles.

Now I just huck my bike and ski chutes, trees, and moguls, and look forward to the next shot of adrenalin. Slowing down I guess. :kissing_closed_eyes:


Mountain biking has always looked so freaking cool to me. I would love to get into it.


You should try it! If you’re ever in Colorado give me a shout. There is one thing to remember, if you don’t do it this year you’ll be another year older when you do> (had to bring this topic back around to old guys. Like the way I did that?) Warren Miller used to say something like that about learning to ski.


I will hopefully be moving back to Northern California in the not-too-distant future, and that is one of the many activities that I hope to dip my toes in.


30 years old and just started this summer!


Did you call me nice? Don’t make me come over there! lol Just kidding :rofl:. We’re glad you’re here in fact there’s room for more so bring your friends. :wink:


Still have both of my natural knees and hips, and had good times doing those silly things long ago. “It’s better to burn out, than it is to rust” No regrets, though I do question my judgment (and that of others) at some point along the way.


Yeah that was just an example. Most of the decisions you’ll regret for decades hence are more like… life choices, not necessarily a penchant for extreme sports.

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Yeah alright Jeff… I said sorry.:sweat_smile:

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Wasn’t just you, nor was I singling you out. To the extent that “old” means “old and cranky”, perhaps that’s something to ponder on as to whether it’s really necessary :thinking:

I guess that was my broader point.

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1966, my friend!

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