Any fellow Coffee Drinkers?

you brought me back 25 years bro… who want da rewiiiiind!!!

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my family usually buys Eight o’ Clock Hazelnut coffee but we got German Roasted this time

that is the same with me i drink whatever i can get

We mostly drink cold brew made with Koffee Kult beans from Amazon.

I’ll usually have some more gourmet beans on hand for pour over (my personal favorite method). No real preference in terms of bean/roast though I don’t like things that taste too fruity. Counter Culture is usually my go-to but been trying some of the staff picks brands from Seattle Coffee Gear (including Intelligentsia).

Posted this on the fixed axle Friday thread as well. Also, on Instagram, @yomartyo started the hashtag #throwcoffee



Like it for the taste, not necessarily the caffeine. I usually drink drip and have it with heavy cream, but I really like the taste of our French press we bring camping.


I love a dark roast coffee with sweet cream creamer, a teaspoon of caramel, and topped off with cool whip. That’s how I roll at home anyway.

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I’m lazy and probably a coffee slob…
I like my Keurig single brew. Most any dark roast.

I’ve done the grind your own route, but don’t find it worth the work.


Coffee is my life blood. I only drink folgers classic roast. I prefer it the same way I like woman, strong and black.


Yoyos are my 1 drug of choice. :slight_smile:


lol there is a cure for that.
I think it’s called the antidote :slight_smile:



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Just had a nice espresso from my Robot.


Drink coffee every day. French vanilla or Sumatra if I drink black. Classic Folgers or Maxwell House I usually put creamer in.

If I go to an actual coffee shop, white chocolate mocha no whip is my go-to.


I have a love/hate relationship with coffee :slightly_frowning_face:

On one hand, I love a good cup of locally roasted [black] medium roast pour over or french press.

On the other hand, some days it makes me feel great while others it makes me feel like garbage. I’m not talking simply “coffee stomach” either, I’m talking extreme fatigue/ lethargy. It sucks :slightly_frowning_face:

I’ve given up coffee in favor of fresh brewed green tea — which never makes me feel bad. But coffee still holds a special place in my :heart:


How do you like the Robot? I’m using. ROK which makes a surprisingly good espresso once you figure out the pre-heating and quirks of a device with no boiler.

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I just drink Nespresso pods.

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So I used to be super into my coffee.

Had a Mazzer Jolly-e grinder, and a Rocket Mozzafiato Evoluzione R espresso machine.

What a mission to make a good cup of coffee and that warm up time. And the maintenance, and cleaning.

It was so worth it, but now i just use a Nespresso machine. And at work I hand drip using a standard chemex.


I am intrigued but it does look like an awful lot of fuss for a cup of coffee!

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That is one heck of a home espresso setup. I think part of the beauty of the ROK (and by extension Flair and Robot) is the relatively quick warmup due to limited amounts of metal needing to get hot (thermodynamics and all that). My routine from “I think I want an espresso” to everything cleaned and put away is 15 minutes. Sure, there is added time for monthly deep cleaning of the ROK and monthly grinder cleaning. Also, the dreaded twice yearly grinder disassembly…
wait, I think I see why you switched to pour over at home :grin:


I know this might be a sacrilegious thing to say but at home I find an espresso machine provides me with almost decent enough quality to be happy with with close to no maintenance.

At work I pour over because I like having a pot of coffee next to me that I can drip feed myself through out the day ^^