Let’s see which is king.
Last poll.
Coffee is far to bitter for me.
have you tried cream and sugar with it?
Coffee does it for me. Tea gives me a bit of a buzz if I drink too much. Don’t get that from coffee.
Go tea
I would say coffee, but my coffee kick is down since, a couple weeks ago I had like a liter of coffee in like 5 min… coffee isn’t the same to me anymore haha
Tea, but barely. I love both!
Tea is good plain so I like tea all the time.
I rarely drink coffee because of all the crap I add to mine
Coffee, but it has to be a good roast and not pre-ground as well as made in a French press coffee maker for me.
I do like tea as well though, particularly chai.
i like tea
I prefer coffee, in general. However it’s also hard to make tea poorly, unlike coffee.
I only like coffee if I have Coldstone’s Ice Cream flavor creamer…I take the creamer by itself as well
Many many herb combinations you can use that can truly heal the body…
Coffee = everyone’s instant energy these days… if people ate properly and respected their bodies, we wouldn’t need this “jolt” of energy…
Tea is about enjoyment and not for energy, but for detoxification and health…
Tea has equal (or more) amounts of caffeine compared to coffee.
You guys are a bunch of tea eating hipsters. I keep it real as a hardcore Seattle coffee shop hipster.
How do you eat tea? I only drink it.
…uh, yeah ok.