Any Competitive MtG Players?

Sheesh, it’s all about legendary. :stuck_out_tongue:

Standard is the newest rotation of sets. It contains the last two blocks and the core set.

Modern is all cards from 8th edition forward.

Standard is type 2.

Modern is sort of 1.5, but better.

I do Modern, then…lol I love my onslaught cards. lol

Onslaught isn’t modern legal…

I was just stating a side not…Onslaught is old, I know. I love my old cards.

my brother and I play. sorta competitively. I’d rather play a sealed ptq or grand prix and if I’m playing constructed it’s usually some johnny combo deck. Not really into the copy an archetype someone else made but as of recent decks that we made a while ago become popular in pro tour play so… yeah, you win some you lose some. I just don’t really dig the pay to win $400 mirror deck championship matches. pretty stoked for the gatecrash prerelease though

Epic Experiment combo? Yeah buddy. :slight_smile:

Any idea what guild you’re gonna go for the PR?

orzhov or dimir. I’ll be able to see a bit better when more spoilers are posted

Few years ago I was competitive player.

Competing regularly at PTQ( I think 2 top 8 ) and at Nationals(my best result was 2nd place from 2008). Got to play at Worlds 2008 in Memphis. Played few GP, best result is 12th place at Gran Prix Prague 2009.

My last tournament was nationals 2010, but since that I just follow coverage and dont play anymore.

Lady and gentledudes.

Where’s the love for MtG?

Where’s the love for Q? Haven’t seen you since you were your girlfriend for a minute.

i’ve been wanting to relearn I haven’t played on a regular basis or collected really since 4 generation. Anyone play in the Chicago area?


Q is going to a Pro tour Qualifier in Waukee, IA. If anyone wants to come play, by all means join in. Building a sahweet deck to take the whole tournament. Wish me luck

Gatecrash…making my Eaxalted deck mad…I need to get back up to par.

I compete in pre-releases, but thats about it. Don’t have the budget to invest in putting together a really nice deck for tournament. I do pretty decent at the prereleases though.

Yeah I play. I’m into Modern lately; Gatecrap had me pretty disappointed in attempting to mix up the Standard lifegain wars.

Gatecrash is a bit of a bummer. What are you playing in Modern, if you don’t mind my asking.

I have a UWR tempo list, Martyr for fun, and Jund that is missing Bob and Goyf.

I have two Bob’s if you want to purchase. UWR running good stuff, or fair UWR? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m playing my affinity list for modern, so I really have no room to complain about fair decks. Turn 3 win? Give me some of that,

And I hate Martyr Proc. If anything can shut down aggro, it’s that bullcrap.

If anyone wants to buy some MtG cards on the cheap, they should sign up under this link, considering it really helps me out an all.