Amateur Yo-Yo Photography

Ok here is the “Best burger ever” HAHA Bistro La Gras in Northampton, MA. SO GOOD!!!

That looks like one tasty burger!


In an effort to introduce more ‘environment variation’… I took a couple photos with the last bit of daylight today.

For this one I should have stopped down the aperture just a little bit more to bring the daffodils in the front completely into focus while leaving the background bokeh alone. Unfortunately I didn’t have the patience to take a bunch of photos cuz I was crouched in an uncomfortable position and dodging dog doo doo in the yard.

Playing with some levelling features… nice contrast between woods I think.

That last one is VERY nice Jason!! Excellent work there…

But the first one puts you in a trance if you stare at it haha. The light was just right too. Great job…wood throws always turn out so nice.

Great shots, Jason. I might have to get a wood throw just for photography purposes!


Sho Nuff!

Good foods too!

Very awesome.

After seeing all the cool photo’s I was thinking…

Maybe YYE could have a yoyo ‘wallpaper’ sticky somewhere with quality wallpaper size photo’s of stock yoyo’s they sell (or sold) done by members that buyers could download free with purchase, or just whenever?

Then like the $15 gift card for the 1st five reviews on the new YYJ Theory, each month they could give the top downloaded photo (or whatever designation wanted) a gift card too?

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I like the idea of a wallpaper repository. :slight_smile:

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Gift card or not, I do like the idea of a yoyo wallpaper database.


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Bringing the outdoors indoors.

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I agree, no reward necessary. I did not mean to imply they had to go together, the ‘then’ I should have worded better. “Then, if YYE wanted to promote board participation like they did with the Theory they could do it in this way too.” would have been better. I think people should take photo’s no matter what! :slight_smile:

Nice Logi! I like the depth of field blur on the 2nd one.

Sorta a glow on that one, it’s from my old manual lens.

Very clever little set up there, Logi. Love the whole dream filter going on in the second photo.


It’s not even edited. There is something wrong with my lens.

I was wondering if that was post processed or if it was your lens. :stuck_out_tongue:

I love the old manual lenses. My shots were taken with a 1970 vivitar macro lens. It’s sharper than virtually every modern lens that’s not astronomically priced and it’s almost fifty years old!

You mean something right with your lens? ;D

^ That’s a great photo. I like how bright the string is!! Really cool shot.

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Wanted better shots than this, but I kept missing the mark for lighting, and then by the time I packed it in for the night, realized that the angle isn’t all that interesting. But it’ll have to do for now!