Amateur Yo-Yo Photography

Night time photo shoot! ;D


Here is my very first attempt at spinning yo, it needs work but for an on the fly shot I feel ok with it (especially being that I took it with my iPhone).

I like how the flash interacted with the proton, but I guess the real question is what do you folks think?

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^ I hope to see more spinning shots posted in the future…I really dig them. :slight_smile:

Wow Legyoyo…you really are practicing with the photos. I love the backdrop, what are you using for it? That was a super awesome thanks too, I’m enjoying the photos…stick with it. I like your use of the props…I have to try that sometime soon myself.

BC…keep them coming too, can’t wait to see what else you guys have. By the way, catching natural sunlight from the window was awesome. Nice job. :slight_smile:

Okay, I looked around the house for some props…

I added a YoyoExpert Logo, supposed to be a carpet:


Roping in the noise! To make it all civil!

:smiley: The first pic actually looks like it has bent fingers…like it’s actually pressing keys. The hat belongs to one of my RUN DMC figures. The piano belongs to my Shcroeder from Charlie Brown figure. It took a lot of work to balance that hat on the round yo-yo. I should have tied a second string around it and given it two hands. :smiley:

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Haha I wouldn’t have guess that was a massive collaboration between Charlie Brown run DMC and total artist hehe great work! I lack creativity :/, but you inspire me.

The background on the first pic is a hand drawn picture, on a white binder.
The black is a really big piece of black paper with some sort of coating. It gives a cool lighting effect
The whit is simply a big piece of paper.

But with the right light, and shutter adjustment, they work really well IMO.

And I love the yoyo in a hat! And the piano! Good job on them!

Supernova on the bass :smiley:

Love it :smiley:

I was messing around and came up with another one, Yelets playing a Fender Stratocaster:

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I just love your mini rock equipment… those amps… those pedals! So awesome.

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Excuse me while I kiss the sky!!! That is epic!!!


Took a bunch more photos…


Thanks guys, I took the props for that one from my Jimi Hendrix figure. Mgiroux77 picked the yo-yo to model in the photo shoot. He made a great choice!

@Legyoyo The Popstar is so photogenic. I miss it now :smiley: That little paracord person is so cute. Nice props. You gave me a few more ideas. :wink:

thanks! I make the little people as a key chain, and figured it look good throwing a yoyo. Same deal with the frog.
And the pop star is really cool. Before I got it I knew nothing about it! But it’s certainly a neat little throw :slight_smile: thanks again for it ;D

I call this “A Rapper and His D.J.,” featuring M.C. Arctic Circle, and D.J. Chief:

Arctic Circle rocking the mic:

And the Chief behind the wheels of steel:


That is clever & amusing stuff right there TA. :smiley: