50 Facts

  1. Yo-yoing in a pub = instant pint.

i made up an epic trick for self defense. i call it fireballs. it is in my video.

  1. i will not walk the dog on concrete
    67 i will not walk the dog on cement
    68 i will not walk the dog on water (with a metal yoyo at least)
    69 walking the dog on your arm is just grinding
    70 yoyoing is a sport. if naascar and chess are sports, then yoyoing is a sport
    71 yoyoing was invented in ancient greece for convicts to use inorder to calm down if they got the death sentence.
    72 you didn’t know 71
  1. NO grandpa i dont have a wood yoyo
  2. yes grandpa they cost 100 dollars

we’ve had 3 differant people, claim that yoyoing was invented in three differant ways.

I did know 71. Its one of the few things I learned at school.

  1. Yo-yoing in a park in Austin, TX will get you unwanted attention and hassle from a wretched horrid little child who wants to have a go with (smash into the floor) your eighty dollar yoyo. The cretinous little monster.
  1. Vibe, not , is my worst nightmare.

Sorry but semi-off-topic. But if we’re gonna go into facts…

Yes and No. It’s a misconception that the Yo-Yo WAS a weapon, however if WAS the inspiration for a weapon:

“It consisted of a four pound stone attached to a rope about 20 feet long. Tribesmen used it in two ways. When hunting, they stood off to one side, held one end of the rope and threw the rock towards the legs of an animal. The rope became tangled around the animals legs, and with a tug, the hunter brought the animal down. Against enemies, the stones would be dropped on their heads. The tribesmen would quickly recover the stones, ready for a second blow if necessary.”

There’s been art of these in use found, and a few of the “tools” have been found. Most without the surviving rope. Though some have been found with threads or pieces of the rope. I believe there’s several in the Smithsonian.

  1. No, greasing it does not make it go faster.

34 No I am not the best yoyoer ever (seriously I am an amature)
35 No yoyoing will not make me a billion dollars

Believe it or not after a few eli hops every starts in with Woah are you a pro did you have to spend like 2 million hours learning that.

I honestly love this one the most!! It is sooo true too!
“Ahhh, dang I missed it”
“What, you did, it didnt look like it”
“yeah, but I still did, here lemme try it again”
“no, its fine, just try somthing else”

Thats the way it goes with me at school, more often than not

I dropped a GT suicide and it knotted and bound up. My friend was like ZOMG! That was sweeeet!

number whatever ‘‘srry to many to count’’ WARNING yoyoing is like life it has it’s up’s and downs and sometimes it just slaps us in the face. lol

Uhh, what?

After reading this, I think something wrong. I must not be a yoyoer…

I… walk the dog, don’t get sore arms, enjoy discussing the benefits of an expensive yoyo, let people walk the dog, use just up and down yoyos, don’t carry a yoyo in my pocket, feel bad for hitting people (which rarely happens, thankfully), don’t practice (I play yoyo occasionally, that’s all), don’t find myself in much pain from yoyo playing, don’t use it as self defense, use slack with meaning only, am not picky about string, walk the dog on water (FUN!), have a wood yoyo, and appreciate vibe.

I’m not doing it right according to y’all… but it feels right to me.



  1. No matter what we do or how we do it, there is no correct way of doing things. Yo-yoing is creativity and a million hours of practice do not make us pros. It is dedication and fun that truly makes a yo-yoer a yo-yoer pro or not.

PS: I was waiting for someone to say that for this fact.

  1. All yoyoers suffer from c.t.l.t.b.s or compuslion to land trick befor they stop

So true…stayed up till almost 1 last night cuz i had to land this one trick i made up…and it wasnt happening, but it did! then i looked at the clock and realized I’m only gonna get 4 hours of sleep before school…gah…oh well at least i landed it!!! lol

what ever number is left: no you may not use my yoyo.

That’s kind of mean. I mean we should to spread the love!

I stayed up till 11 once to land the matrix! :smiley:

Metal yoyos are not collector’s items… They are actually played.