50: We don’t care if you can’t tell we screwed up, we will still complain that we screwed up a billion times.
Some kids that are on the football team at school were making fun of me cause I stunk at playing basketball because I epicly missed a easy shot durring P.E. and they said,“Wow James, really! The only muscle in your body is probably your yoyo finger. I bet you have a 6 pack on it huh. Why don’t you flex it for us and do some one fingered pushups with your yoyo finger?” Lol!
Walk the dog is the BEST yoyo trick in existence. It must be, because everyone keeps asking for it. If I ever compete, I’m going to start or finish the show with a walk the dog. Then a rock the baby. Old school, mate…
The first post was 50 or more facts. Too lazy to rename the topic. we should go for a hundred.
As performers and athletes at the same time, we will accept requests no matter how simple. but if you ask us to do something that you describe as this and that and we know it will end in a knot, then we just make something up.
I used to do a bit of 5a with one of those old rubber Henrys Yo-yo’s. I dropped it once, it rolled across the room, and Jeffs cat chased the hell out of it…I wonder how crazy dogs go with an escaped offstring?
thats from the cartoon network 06 yoyoing demo wen it was all the rage ;D ;D ;D ;D
59:we are elite skill toy playas
60:never yoyo in a fine china shop even if ur pro (dont ask :-[ ;D)
i don’t need to
61. Whips and slacks don’t have to have a point, as long as they look cool.
62. We are very picky about our yoyo strings
63. Naming yoyo tricks is usally a combination of the first word that pops into your head and a lotto draw.
64. yoyoing can and may be used as a means of self defense.