4a yoyoers thread! Come talk 4a

I mostly use go bigs and rextremes. I am trying to learn more advanced orbits like around the neck, and Bryan Figueroa grinds.

That was awesome and fun to watch…KITTY!

thanks bro! I had fun doin it! Haha i miss my kitty Landshark dearly tho :confused:

I understand.

yea i had to leave my parents to keep the job i had and i came back to get her but my stepmom said she wants money for the vet bills or i cant have her. Lol i dont have the money

Offstring is a lot of fun.

My potato regens are getting way better. (I am attempting to make potato styles of different styles, like Chop sticks, and etc. Potato was a thing my buddy at a yoyo meet inspired me to do. Basically, it’s dumb yet new and weird ways of doing those styles and tricks. )
Potato Stick and Potato Kwyji are doing well in 1A, though. XD

My bering broke in my Go Big, no 4a until I get a replacement. :frowning:

The thin bearing? PM me your address and I’ll send you one.

Sheesh, Waylon, quit being so nice. You’ll get us more peeps to join YYE. XD

People helping people :wink: It’s how we stay a community. And this one turned in to a yoyo trade :slight_smile:

So by giving me something your getting something you want and getting rid of something you don’t want :).

Hey guys! My half size bearing is stuck in the go big. Can’t seem to get it out, any ideas?
Edit: I posted here so I didn’t make another annoying bearing thread.

What have you tried so far?

Use a bearing puller or pliers with a round wire-cutter near the hinge portion.

I got a yyj aquarius and a yyj special agent for dirt cheap the other day, and I have to say that 4a is really fun! I recommend this style to anyone looking to put that fun spark back into yoyoing.

My “spark” with yoyoing hasn’t burned out yet haha :wink:
But ill get a cheap 4a throw when I get a little bored with 1a

I recommend teaching your dog to fetch a yoyo first. I wish I had taught mine :slight_smile:

No. You don’t want slobber getting in there and rusting your bearing.

My pugs especially hate 4A. It’s bad enough they aren’t getting petted when I’m doing 1A, 2A and 5A, but now they gotta watch out for stuff with 4A.

I’d take a little slobber in my bearing to keep from having to chase the thing all over. It’s no wonder you never see fat guys that are any good at 4a :slight_smile:

Still throwing 4a with my go big, has 3 big (tons of small) cracks around the solid spin, rims are BEAT TO DEATH, and filled with dirt.

I still got skillzz…

Working on the trick where you toss it up and fling the slack on your shoulder and catch.

And I am trying to figure out Ben Conde stuff that he doesn’t teach.

By watching his 2011/2012 over 100 times I’m surprised I haven’t learned anything yet…

It’s hard, but fun!!