2010 Ohio State Yo-Yo Contest - July 31st

I’m driving right now! I’m so excited, ill have to buy some items well I’m there :slight_smile:

Registration is tomorrow morning!! Persiade your mom!!

Yah… but i couldn’t put togethor a performance in half a day… Maybe i could get her to let me go watch… if not, looks like the only thing left for me is symbolta…

starts in 1 hour…

Good luck to all attending for the comps. Wish I was there!

me too, would of been my first contest, but there’s always next year. Maybe i’ll just go to indianna state though because thats closer even though i live in OH.

Good luck everyone, and I hope this contest is successful! If I were there, I would of entered.

I think the contest went really well and was run very nicely. The only complaints I heard people talking about the stage lighting (it was a bit hard to see if they stood too close to the front) and that the bass pretty much shook the floor. I had a great time though and and thought that it was very successful.

1st: Sebby
2nd: Chris Fraser
3rd: Connor Scholten

It was very fun! i had a great time, im thankful there wasnt prelims! the only complaint i had and others was that it was a 3 minute freestyle, i think it should be 2 minutes :confused: and when will scores be posted? oh and another complaint, too many yoyos tobuy, i wanted them all :smiley:

Just seeing the Duncan, YYJ, and YYF stand makes you need to spend money. I went with $15. I left with a BOSS and Protostar (that’s what parents are for right? [sorry Icthus and Dryoyo]). Also, the yoyo club had an Anti-yo Busine$$ for $40. I almost bought it but they had a near-mint BOSS for $50 that played really well. Didn’t the anti-yo Busine$$ get discontinued over 3 years ago?

im not sure, i was gonna go to the party but my friends werent going so i didnt, did you only do 1a? i did 1a, my names chase baxter, im the one that wasnt that good and made the bow tie then bit it, lol

I can’t wait for MER and OS contest next year. I might have to find another in between. When’s Indiana States?

had an awesome time it was great meeting everyone wish we had more room to throw but I dont think they expected that many people.

None the less it was a blast.

Thanks to everyone I met today, you guys all rocked!

tennesse states is september 11th :smiley:

I saw you a few times, Brett. I never actually said hi or anything though. I was the one in the YoyoNation shirt that was probably using an 888 or a Protostar the whole time.

I don’t think I can make it to Tennesse once school has started. That’s over 8 hours of driving too.

tall guy right!

Connor Scholten in my eyes was the man at that show his 4A was insane and his 1A was nearly flawless I had him to win it…

Yep :slight_smile:

I had Chris to win it. He made a few mistakes, but he had the crowd going. I heard Sebby talking about how 25% of the judging was on performance and he had the crowd screaming the whole time. Especially on his last trick.

Results are posted! I got 6th overall and 2nd in the state. I was 0.35pts away from being the state champion =D


Sounds like you guys have fun, even though i didn’t get to go this year you got me hyped to go next year. Congrats to yomaster for getting second and too the rest of you. Seems like it was a lot of fun. As for indianna states, i’m pretty sure it already happend this year.

i still didnt get that good this contest but i got better than MER, i got 22 out of 23rd there, here i got 19 out of 24, but im only at 4 months, i better get a serious freestyle for tennesse!

i got 15th at MER. I think the main that screwed me over, was picking a song that I didn’t like. It’s a lot easier to perform to a song that you actually like to listen to.