Zorro's 2014 Freestyle Contest

I’m quite involved in contests this weekend :stuck_out_tongue:

If it wasnt for his division, then why is 1a being judged so (I’ll be blunt) stupidly?

I quit as well. I don’t think this is going to end out good. Also, it’s not fun when people fight and isn’t this contest supposed to be fun. I’m not gonna join next year either until they get their act together.

Yea it was good that zorro tried buit things didn’t really turn out so good.

I said “quite” not “quit”

well i don’t quit then

Sorry guys. I have the 1A Results now, however.

First off, I am having trouble getting owngry’s and 55379’s videos onto the playlist. But, I will get them up asap.

Now, on to the results:

1st Place: Philip
2nd Place: 55379
3rd Place: stuarttw
4th Place: owngry
5th Place: witlessone
6th Place: kulazndoode
7th Place: mazdarx7fd

I need 55379’s email. Please PM me.

Thanks Zorro!

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congrats Adrian


No problem. Even though you finished 6th, you did a brilliant job. Glad you could be a part of it.

3rd? is that all? jk i’m happy with that

I’m happy with 25 dollars :slight_smile:

I’m settling for 40 :slight_smile:

I’m settling for getting in the finals :slight_smile:

Any 3A results?


I’m still the best in the book of the ONLY professional judge that was involved with this competition…

Really? SMH…

You didn’t even consider my suggestion…