Zorro's 2014 Freestyle Contest

Then, please use the form to register.

Andre just signed upā€¦ soā€¦ weā€™re all dead now. :smiley:

lloollolololololllololollololoolololoool that was me. i couldnt resist.

So, do you want me to change it so it is you, or do you want me to just remove it? >:( BTW, thatā€™s not funny.

This looks interesting.

Just remove it. It was a joke. I had thought the contact@yoyoexpert.com as the email address would have given it away but whatever.

I actually didnā€™t look at the email.

There are some pretty good players registered here.

I know, I am starting to feel like I am not going to win. :smiley:


What a preview.

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I entered in 3A. If I throw three yoyos at once will you guys score it? They donā€™t at contests

They donā€™t? I have always wanted to know that.

the rules say that once more than 2 yoyos are in play the judges donā€™t give any tech points for it unless you mess up, you can still get deducted

I thought that was only for 1a. So what is the style that uses more than two yoyos? You may use more than two yoyos in 4a and 5a.

Palli or John Narum, but he just lurks most of the time.

I might be interested in this

When does registration end?

I can win 5a easy unless jake elliot joinsā€¦


Crap I am dead. Chase Baxter XD

Should be fun.

I would prefer for this to be as close to a real contest as possible. Therefore, I probably will not have that count.