YYJ New Breed or YYF Northstar

Yes… It is another one of those “which yoyo should I buy” threads. Sorry. But I’ve got it narrowed down to two yoyos. The New Breed and the Northstar. Can you give me your opinions on these two yoyos please?

New breed is really wide and kinda heavy
Northstar is less wide and heavier

Both are great yoyos I prefer the northstar

Although the New Breed is heavy, when playing, it feels way lighter than the Northstar, as it is really floaty.

I own both yoyos. In my opinion, the New Breed plays really floaty…like more than a protostar. Its also pretty light with the caps off. I don’t really like it because its really rounded out like an Axiom. The Northstar how ever feels great in the hand, plays inbetween solid and floaty. In the end, if you like a round-ish yoyo, get the New Breed. You like the H-Shape? Go for the Northstar! Goodluck!

I would get the Northstar without question, but I’ve heard it cracks easily…

the caps on the New Breed come off? With what? Suction cups?

Yes; suction cups. Most yoyo caps come off with those. But I respectfully ask, what does that have to do with anything on this thread?

Sure, any plastic can crack if you slam it on the ground haha. Take care of it and it will be fine bro :stuck_out_tongue:

The new run of NorthStar’s don’t have the cracking problem anymore :wink: Plus if you had a problem with it you could just get a new one from YYF, from my experience they’re very good with customer service.

Only the the first run cracked not the second


The best!

I would get the New Breed if I were you. It grinds better due to the textured Celcon plastic and the metal rims. I also heard that the Northstar vibes a lot. But it all comes down to your own preferences. If you like heavy yoyos, get the Northstar. If you like floaty yoyos, get the New Breed.

Thanks for the help guys! :slight_smile: I think I’m going to get the New Breed. Does the “solid spin axle” make any difference?

Yes, it does. Also, I would have recommended the New Breed before but I only just got one for christmas and I gotta say, is it just me? Or is it like ridiculously stable? Maybe I haven’t played with enough higher end throws yet but this thing just like doesn’t tip EVER.

What does the “solid spin axle” do for the overall yoyo?

I own both.

They both play very good. Its all up to you, the only difference is that the northstar is heavier. They both play the same.

Better stability, reduced vibe, a more solid feeling on the string and slightly longer spin times (very slightly)

Hadoe has it right…but it’s hard to really explain how much more solid and vibeless it really is. i really think that the solid spin axle is amazing. and with YYJ’s low prices for quality yo-yo’s, you really can’t go wrong.