Yyf switchblade

Hey there, I was wondering if anyone has some feedback on it.

Good yoyo. I had a B grade once but it had too much vibe for my taste. I plan on buying one again some time.

I have one, and it’s solid. I like it, but I usually only throw it when I want something I haven’t played in a while. It’s not too stable which is weird for a bimetal. Spins decently long, binds are solid, shape is cool and comfortable. For me it just doesn’t quite have the “it” factor. Can’t remember how much it was, but if you’re after a bimetal, the Duncan lineup is fantastic (just got a Haymaker X here for $85 and haven’t picked up anything else) or for a bit of a splurge in YYF, the iQ. Doesn’t spin as hard as the Duncans, but it’s outstanding.