please RATE this yoyo PROTOSTAR from 1-10 (1 is the lowest 10 is the highest) and the reason why you have given that score.

quick question .
–The PROTOSTAR is GLASS RIGHT ? so definitely it can be SHATTERED ?

Correction: The Protostar is plastic, so it cannot be shattered. It may just get a few dings if hit hard on the ground.
I would give it an 8, because it is very good for the price, has a good spin time, and I like the shape of it.

I thought it was polycarbonate. Im pretty sure if you hit these hard enough, they will crack.

They dont crack. Well ive never seen a cracked one before.

i’d give it a 9. It is truely a phenomenal yoyo. It produces perfect spin times, its awesome for all level players and its well worth the price.

9/10 my favorite plastic

  1. mine has vibe and they do not grind well

another question guys have you noticed that there are arrows in the protostar? i didnt get it what is that for ?? :o

8 I would have given it a 9 however if the side of mine wasn’t cracking because the axle is pushing through. It is so smooth, that It makes me think I’ll never need a metal again.

Protostar -
Overall Performance vs High end Metal:… 6
Performance/Value: …9

The arrows are supposed to roughly line-up when the yoyo is screwed together. This will vary with wear over time.

I have had three Protostars. That is because they are breakable. The plastic body will not break, but the small dome covering the axle that will break off if sufficient force is applied. This leaves the axle poking through one half and making the yoyo unusable (I have lots of spare parts though).

The quality of the Protostar - like the Northstar - is inconsistent. Some Protostars are smooth as plastic can be; some have a bit of vibe. But all of them were well worth the $35 that I paid for them. You can’t go wrong with the Protostar.

do u mean about applying much force is when u can feel that the yoyo is fighting but , yet you still continued to force it ? am i right? … how will i know if i over tighten it… thanks

That is what the arrows are for. Tighten the yoyo until it is snug - then line-up the arrows by tightening a bit more. That prevents over-tightening.

it helps :smiley: thanks a lot :smiley:

It is of my opinion to rate it a 9 out of 10 only because there is no real perfect yoyo for either plastic or metal. There is always some minor thing missing.

I have a 2010 version with NO Arrows, so that must be a new thing. On mine you tighten as far as it goes and that’s it.

I like the profile of it, you can do any level of 1A string trick. The catch zone is very forgiving, the center trac bearing always keeps you in balance, it has decent sleep times, it’s floaty, and it has a low shallow walled gap, which i prefer over a high wall gap so that the string stays free during play. Some yoyos like the x convict or dark magic, or meteor have high walls which can be counterproductive in my view, because they cause drag on the string, although many players like them and rely on them to control the yoyo during a bad throw. The Yuuksta is another example of this very low profile around the bearing.

The downside to it is that you really can’t thumb grind because the caps bulge out, nor arm or palm grind, it flies right off. BUT there is only one way to grind kinda good, grind on your wrist sleeve, sweaters work great. This is why Delrin is becoming so popular over some other plastics like the protostar. But I cant see paying 90 bucks for plastic when i can have a bead blasted beauty instead. The protostar is way better than the lyn fury in my opinion or any other plastic yo with the exception of the northstar which is exactly the same except the northstar is heavier, and the starlight is the same too only it has no weight rings thus making it lighter.

I play the Protostar often when I rotate play with my metals and it is always a reliable , comfortable fun throw. Don’t worry about breaking it or cracking it, because you won’t. You simply can’t go wrong with it.

well you cant expect a plastic even as good as the protostar to grind well can you?