Actually, I didn’t come across as intended. Military wasn’t the right word. What I really meant is that they look way too SERIOUS. I’m not bashin, but all the throws (and by “all the throws” I am talking about the ones I really want) seem to be colored way too SERIOUS-like.
I don’t want a yoyo that looks like it should be attached to Batman’s belt. I don’t want a yoyo that could be described as “bling”. I don’t want it to look good hangin from the mirror in my Escalade. I don’t want it the same color as my bathroom towels. To me it seems lately YYF is taking “premium” way to serious and are thus giving them sophisticated looking paint jobs.
I wanted an MVP

Way serious looking. Looks like it should come with cuff links.
I wanted a Superstar

I wanted a Primo

Way too serious.
Essentially, I’m a grown man paying 100 dollars for a toy. Think about it… It’s funny. I want my colorway to be FUN. I want it to look like it was made in Willy Wonka’s factory. I want the Mad Hatter’s primo and/or superstar. Whimsical is a great word.
Love it. Just not the right size.
Simple. I’d buy it right now.
Pretty funny. Was posted as a possible example of “military”, but its funky… Wish superstar/primo was available like this.
Again really funny. Posted as “military”, but I dig it.
Wish it was available now.
Yea, make a superstar or primo like that.
Love it. Thats what I’m talkin about. Superstar/Primo please.
This one makes me drool. Superstar/Primo please.
Yea, I know, alot of those are special editions… So that means regular editions can’t look good?
Picture this one… Half/Half. One side Blue with orange dots, the other side orange with blue dots. or forget the dots… The splash would be ok. Half/Half Blue with orange splash, other side orange with blue splash. Or One side green with purple splash, the other side purple with green splash.
Yes… I know appearance doesn’t affect performance. But it should affect purchase. The shirt I’m wearing would fit the same if it was puke green, but that doesn’t mean I’d buy it.
Anyway, YYF… Please bring funky back to premiums.