What’s this from? Is it your own mod?
Actually, it’s an abandoned YYF throw.Never got released.
That’s a shame, too. Looks lovely.
It looks huge.
thats because it’s next to a g-funk
That looks incredible, but makes sense why it wasn’t released something like that would be difficult to machine.
Yea, I mean, just look at it O.o
Where is it at?
Wow, I definitely would have had to buy one of those. I am a sucker for hubstacks and wacky designs. I’m still bummed out there was never a hubstacked Yuuksta or G-Funk
With the g funk you can add them yourself. Doesn’t it have an open axlehole?
The 888 is one of my all time favorites and the AG2 is pretty sweet too. I think its better if this yoyo wasn’t released because too many heads would explode from it.
Well the ag series are both controversial. Either loved or hated type thing.
Looks like a hubstacked Cliff…
This thing would have been a flop. Most of you only want it until it’s actually available.
Well I love the ag1 and the 888. I would own it
I definitely would have picked this one up but I agree that it likely would have done terribly.
It would be pricey to machine, but fun to play.