YYE Mobile App?

First off I’m sure this question has been asked 19494838328 times. But why isn’t there a YYE mobile app? I think this would be a very beneficial thing for YYE and the community alike! Forums, trick learning, BST etc. I’m sure there has to be a reason for there not being one already right?

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I heard there was one once, but some villain figured our how to use it to locate where each forum member lived, and then stole everybody’s yoyo collections. After that, it had to be shut down.


Andre addressed that question in this topic last year. In a nutshell: Maybe someday but the site works well on mobile:


Hate to see it :rofl:

I figured there had to be an explanation somewhere, thank you! It really does work just fine on the regular browser, but an app would be slightly easier to use and more accessible at times in my opinion. My biggest complaint is that it doesn’t save my login info so I have to login again every time I close the page. (This is probably a me-problem and I just haven’t figured out how to do that yet)

I made an icon on my phone home screen and I just click it and I’m on. I never need to re—log in…ever. I use the dark mode and it’s awesome. It’s just like an app!


The forum runs on Discourse software, but I couldn’t get it to populate in the Discourse app.


Huh. Odd.I was able to get it logged in on the app but I haven’t had it open long.

I do the same thing and it works really well.

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Just to be clear the above is a joke. :rofl:

But yes - at some point we might revisit doing an app again.

The forum should keep you logged in though - if it is not it might be a browser cookie setting or something… But as others mentioned you can add the ‘discourse’ app and also stay logged in (and get notifications) through it.

Apple App Store App

Android App


I use the site with Brave browser and it keeps me logged in.

TBH even if there was an app I don’t think I’d use it, the mobile site behaves so smoothly on browser that an app would seem kind of pointless unless it introduced some kind of stellar new functionality. And if I’m doing a couple different things or waiting on a reply, it’s easier to hop between browser tabs than to switch between apps.



Was definitely a cookie setting I had to fix! But I will download the discourse app as well. Thank you kind sir!


I think it functions so well on mobile that it totally makes the use for an app obsolete. Before the forum was redesigned, it DEFINITELY needed an app, as mobile was a NIGHTMARE for this site, but totally not the case anymore. I just have a YYE tab constantly opened on Safari and it’s awesome.

What WOULD be dope though, (and I hate to suggest that Andre do anymore work than he’s already doing for the yoyo community), would be a full fledged YYE app. Like… not just the forums… but the store, a section of the app dedicated to learning tricks (this would be the hugest draw IMO) and the forums section. They’d probably need to refilm the trick videos again in better quality though since those old Expert Village videos, while what so many including myself learned on, are definitely nearly unwatchable due to the quality haha.


This is exactly what I meant! The whole darn website being made into an app would be really neat. But like everyone has said and I agree it does run and look just fine through a mobile browser

There is the Discourse App @codinghorror


But isn’t that pretty much exactly what the website is right now? It’s got tutorials, the shop, the forums all on the menu and they all work great on a phone browser.



True, I don’t disagree with that. However there’s a certain competitor’s app where on the tutorials section, you’re able to “check off” and “like” tricks on a list. Very cool feature once you’re done learning a trick, or love a certain trick/want to come back to it, respectively. Unfortunately what doesn’t work here are many of the tutorial videos. Links are either dead or not working. And like I said, some of them need to be refilmmed due to the quality.

Would also be cool to integrate some type of chat function, or the YYE discord into the app if that’s possible as well.


In IOS you can add the bookmark to your home screen. Completely feels like it’s own app.


a YYE tab.” LOL [as browser sweats profusely].

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Thank you all for the suggestions and tips on how to use the mobile site a littler easier! Our community >>> anyone else’s.