Yoyoexpert app?

Who else thinks that yoyoexpert should have an app?


Yes pls I second this heavily

I’ve thought about that also, but probably only because I’m too lazy to sign in to the forum on my phone. The shop works well on mobile and I’m guessing @codinghorror wouldn’t allow Discourse to suck on any device. What would an app do that you can’t just do with phone’s browser? Not trying to shoot the idea down, just curious because when I thought that too, I told myself “just sign in with your phone” because I couldn’t think of a good reason for an app.

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This place works so well on a mobile phone browser I don’t think we need an app.


YYE actually used to have an official app. I don’t remember what happened to that.

Save the shortcut to your home screen and you have an “app”. The mobile interface is so clean that it feels like an app. I don’t see a the need.


The forum itself is really built to be native in browser so an app would just provide notifications more directly but you can also get that with the Discourse app as others mentioned.

I could eventually see us do an app for tricks, etc. Perhaps someday - its always something I’m considering. :blush:


This is actually amazing! Thank you for showing this!

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This is what I have done. It feels and works just like an app!

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Pshh y’all are a bunch of newbies. The real OGs remember…
