iPhone app

Can I just say that the yoyo expert app is the best app ever


Yeah it’s very convenient! :slight_smile:

It is OK, I was a little disappointed it doesn’t have the tricks on it. That is what I was really hoping for. I already use TapTalk for the forums so the YYE app isn’t all that exciting and different the RSS blog feed is fine, but very basic. Hopefully they will keep updating the app so it will have the tricks and eventually a store and some other cool features for while we are on the road.

Adding the tricks would be awesome

Wait, what is on the yye app?

Yeah, I love the app !
Very convenient.
This is sent from the App, actually.
One thing that bothers me is the lack of smileys.

Yeah - we definitely have plans of integrating the tricks down the road. Definitely something we thought about and want to focus on next.

This was a first step and we wanted a free option for people to use versus having to pay for the ‘tap a talk’ app to access the forums and keep up to date, etc.

Haha, I’m on it right now

I love this app. You can insert smileys through emoticons :ear_of_rice: :grin: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :sweat: :cold_sweat::uk::it::de::fr: :busstop: :crossed_flags: :station: :bus: :church::house: :school::musical_note:

I would like to see it not crash so often though. Still a great app.

Also if I could shop yoyo expert through the app I’d spend a lot more money lol

omg i downloaded it like a week ago but i didnt have time to check it out at the time. then i forgot about it lol. i need to check it out now.

how do you log out on the app? or is it that you can’t log out?

Any chance of a droid version

I like the app. It gets the job done.

As far as tutorials, I still recommend downloading them using SaveYouTube or VDownloader, and then syncing them up as needed in the form of a playlist(s). I just load the tricks I need to work on into my phone. No sense in wasting space or data charges(thanks AT&T for no unlimited anything but texting. Get with the rest of the planet!).

This is ideal for my to check PM’s and forum stuff while I’m waiting for my kids to get taken into school when the bell rings. I don’t throw there anymore because it was too big of a distraction for too many kids. They were crowding around me instead of waiting in line and turning around to watch. I still carry a yoyo on a sling holder(werrd) and my YYE bag, just in case…

Please and thanks :wink:

You can view the tricks on the app. Go to blog and at the top click “Learn”. You can view the entire site in its normal Safari form here.

Yea im on an iphone and can load the tricks thru the app. Works good, just need a back button when ur in the blogs tab i think